Bible books

  • Period: 1250 BCE to 538 BCE


    The book is about the creation of humanity and the era of the patriarchs
    The book is a section of a larger work, the Torah. There have been various hypotheses of its authorship, from Moses, to a series of authors (J, E and P), among others
    As for when it was written, we know that by the time of the scribe Ezra (450 B.C.) the Torah as a whole had already been written. So the book was written at some point between the supposed date of the Exodus (~1250 B.C.) and the return from Babylon (538 B.C.)
  • Period: 1250 BCE to 538 BCE


    The book is about how Moses freed his people from slavery in Egypt
    The book is a section of a larger work, the Torah. There have been various hypotheses of its authorship, from Moses, to a series of authors (J, E and P), among others theories
    As for when it was written, we know that by the time of the scribe Ezra (450 B.C.)the Torah as a whole had already been written.So the book was written at some point between the supposed date of the Exodus (~1250 B.C.) and the return from Babylon (538 B.C.)
  • Period: 1250 BCE to 538 BCE


    The book is about the laws that The Lord grants to the people of Israel
    The book is a section of a larger work, the Torah. There have been various hypotheses of its authorship, from Moses, to a series of authors (J, E and P), among others
    As for when it was written, we know that by the time of the scribe Ezra (450 B.C.) the Torah as a whole had already been written. So the book was written at some point between the supposed date of the Exodus (~1250 B.C.) and the return from Babylon (538 B.C.)
  • Period: 1250 BCE to 538 BCE


    The book is about the wanderings of the people of Israel in the desert
    The book is a section of a larger work, the Torah. There have been various hypotheses of its authorship, from Moses, to a series of authors (J, E and P), among others
    As for when it was written, we know that by the time of the scribe Ezra (450 B.C.) the Torah as a whole had already been written. So the book was written at some point between the supposed date of the Exodus (~1250 B.C.) and the return from Babylon (538 B.C.)
  • Period: 1250 BCE to 620 BCE


    Deuteronomy is written as Moses' final speech to Israel before he died.
    The book is a section of a larger work, the Torah.
    The book is the most different of all of the Torah, which has led to thinking of an authorship different from that of Moses or that of J, E and P, being in this case an author called D
    It is also thought that this is the oldest book of the Torah, since we know that it was a book lost for a long time until King Josiah discovered it in the late 7th century BC
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 620 BCE

    The book of Joshua

    The book of Joshua is about how the militar leader Joshua conquers Canaan for the Jews under divine support
    The authorship is unknown
    The date of composition is highly debated, those who believe in the historicity of the text date it immediately after the event (~1200 B.C.) and those who deny its historicity date it to the religious reforms of King Josiah (~620 B.C.)
  • Period: 1047 BCE to 586 BCE

    The book of Judges

    The Book of Judges is about what happens to Israel after the death of Joshua, seeing a cycle of how they fall into paganism, an enemy conquers them, they return to God, He frees them through a judge, Israel returns to paganism again
    The author is unknown
    The book is written at some point in the Jewish monarchy based on internal references, although the book is based on older sources
  • Period: 40 to 60

    Gospel of Mark

    The gospel is about the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah/Christ.
    This gospel goes to the Romans, focusing on the miracles of Christ and practically portraying him as a superhero.
    The author is John Mark, disciple of Peter, apostle of Christ.
    The gospel is usually divided into two parts: the passion story, which could even date back to the year 40; and the part of the teachings of Christ, written later although by the same author
  • Period: 50 to 70

    Gospel of Matthew

    The gospel is about the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah/Christ.
    The Gospel goes to the Jews, teaching them how Jesus was their promised Messiah through quotes from the prophets.
    The author is Matthew, apostle of Christ
    This gospel has two versions, the original written in Aramaic, which was written around 50-60, this version has been lost and only its second version remains, the Greek version, possibly translated by Matthew himself.
  • Period: 60 to 62

    Gospel of Luke

    The gospel is about the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah/Christ.
    This gospel focuses on the teachings of Jesus, showing him as a great teacher
    The author is Luke, disciple of Paul.
    Luke in his gospel uses different sources, including the Gospel of Mark, so we know that this Gospel is later than Mark. In the sequel of this gospel, Acts of the Apostles, was finished around 64, so we can conclude that the gospel was written around that time (60 - 64)
  • Period: 60 to 62

    Acts of the Apostles

    The book is about what the apostles did after the death of Jesus, focusing on the apostle Peter and Paul.
    The book was written by Luke, a disciple of Paul.
    We know that the book was finished around the year 62 because of its abrupt ending, where Paul is taken to Rome and suddenly ends the book without seeing Paul's trial. So we can conclude that the book was finished while the event was happening, that is, around 62
  • Period: 90 to 95

    Gospel of John

    The gospel is about the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah/Christ.
    In the book the author gives his identity, although he only says he is "The beloved disciple", if we contrast the appearances of the "beloved disciple" in the gospel with the rest, we discover that he in reality the Apostle John
    The book was written around the year 90 in Ephesus, with an old John, who writes this book as a way to preserve his memories of his Master Jesus Christ