1:20 Jesus chosen before creation
Jesus chosen before creation -
1:1-2 God’s elect (1 Peter readers) chosen according to God’s foreknowledge
4. Noah 3:20
3:20 -
5. Sarah & Abraham 3:6
4. Old Testament Quotes
7. Balaam
2:15 Balaam loved wages of wickedness
(Numbers 22:1-25:3) -
8. Prophets
1:19 we have the prophetic message, reliable
1:20-21 prophecy never came from prophet’s own will, spoke from God
3:2 words of the holy prophets
3:2 recall words spoken by holy prophets
3:4 where is Jesus’ coming? everything the same since beginning of creation
3:9 promise of day of the Lord
3:13 God promised a new heaven and earth
3:7 heavens and earth reserved for fire -
Period: to
far past
9. Jesus Born as a Man
1:20 Jesus revealed in these “last times” -
10. Transfiguration
1:16-18 Peter and apostles were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ coming and heard God’s voice, “This is my Son”
(Matthew 17:1-9) -
11. Jesus Suffers & Dies
1:2 sprinkled by Jesus’ blood
2:4 Jesus chosen by God but rejected by men
2:6 precious cornerstone
2:21 Christ suffered for you
3:18 Christ died for sins to bring you to God
4:1 Christ suffered
5:1 Peter witnessed Christ’s sufferings -
11. Jesus Resurrected
1:3 resurrection of Christ
1:21 God raised Jesus from the dead and glorified him
3:21-22 resurrection of Christ, gone into heaven at God’s right hand with angels and powers in submission to him -
10. Previous Letters
3:1 Peter wrote a previous letter
3:15 Paul wrote the readers -
8. False Teachers Cleansed & Corrupted
1:9 unwise forget they were cleansed from past sins
2:1 there will be false teachers among you -
12. Wild Life Before Knowing Jesus
4:3-4 wild life before Jesus
1:14 you lived in ignorance
1:18 empty way of life -
9. Readers Come Know to Jesus
1:1 readers received faith
1:3-4 divine power given everything we need for a godly life
3:2 recall command given by Jesus through apostles
3:17 you have been forewarned, be on your guard -
Period: to
Near Past
12. Living as a Christian:Submit to Others Out of Respect
1:16 be holy for I am holy
2:13 all submit to human authorities
2:18-25 slaves submit to masters
3:1-6 wives submit to husbands
3:7 husbands respect wives
3:8 all live in harmony, compassionate, humble
4:2-3 do not live for evil desires anymore
4:7-10 be clear-minded, self-controlled so you can pray
4:8 love others
4:10-11 use God’s gifts for God’s glory
5:2 Elders be willing shepherds and examples to God’s flock
5:5 young men submit to those older
5:6 be humble
5:7 cast anxieties on God
5:8-9 b -
12. Christian Behavior
1:12 I will remind you of these things
1:5 add to faith . . .
1:8 possess qualities in increasing measure keep you being effective
1:10-11 confirm calling and election, never stumble
2:9 Lord knows how to rescue the godly
3:11-12 live holy and godly lives-speed the day of God’s coming
3:14 be found blameless and at peace with God
3:18 grow in grace and knowledge of Savior Jesus -
12. Judgment of God’s Family Begins
4:17 time for judgment to begin with family of God -
13. Lord Wants All to be Saved
3:9 Lord not slow about his promise, wants everyone to come to repentance
3:15 Lord’s patience means salvation -
12. False Teachers
2:1-3 false teachers introduce lies, deny Lord, many will follow
2:10 ungodly corrupt and despise authority
3:16 unstable distort the Scriptures
2:10-12 false teachers bold, arrogant, blaspheme
2:17-19 false teachers mouth empty, boastful words, entice, appeal to lustful desires
2:20 escaped corruption by knowing Savior Jesus . . . again entangled
3:3 in the last days scoffers will come following evil desires -
12. Suffering as a Christian
1:6-7 suffer grief in all kinds of trials which refine faith
3:14 do not be frightened
4:4 heap abuse on you
4:12-16 Do not be surprised by suffering, fiery ordeal, insults, glory of God on you, do not be ashamed but praise God.
4:19 commit yourself to faithful Creator and keep doing good as a Christian even if suffering
5:8-9 believers going through same sufferings throughout the world
5:10 suffer a little while -
Period: to
9. Coming to Know Jesus
1:21 faith and hope are in God
2:1-3 live a new life in Jesus because tasted that the Lord is good
3:15-16 be prepared to explain why you hope in Jesus in a respectful way -
14. The End is Near
4:7-10 “end of all things near, therefore be clear-minded, self-controlled so you can pray” -
15. False Teachers Will Come
2:1-3 false teachers will come
3:3-4 scoffers will come, “Where is this coming?” -
14. Peter’s Soon Death
1:13-15 after my departure be able to remember these things; Peter will soon die -
Period: to
Near Future
15. Believers Restored
5:6 God lift you up in due time
5:10 after you have suffered God will restore, make you strong, firm and steadfast -
16. Final Judgment
4:5 coming judgment -
16. Day of the Lord
3:10 day of the Lord come like a thief -
18. Believer’s Welcome in Heaven
1:11 you will receive a rich welcome into kingdom -
19. Heaven & Earth Destroyed
3:7 present heavens and earth reserved for fire
3:10-11 heavens will disappear by fire, earth laid bare
3:12 day of God will destroy heaven by fire -
14. Jesus Returns
1:7 praise, glory and honor when Jesus is revealed
1:11 glories would follow Jesus’ sufferings
1:13 set hope on grace when Jesus is revealed
4:13 overjoyed when Jesus glory is revealed
5:1 share in the glory to be revealed
5:4 elders receive crown of glory when Chief Shepherd appears -
17. Judgment of False Teachers
2:3 condemnation of false teachers, destruction, not sleeping
2:9 hold unrighteous for punishment on day of judgment
for ungodly
2:12 false teachers will perish
2;13 ungodly paid back for harm done
2:17 blackest darkness reserved for ungodly
2:20 false teachers worse off at the end
3:16 unstable (will receive) destruction -
Period: to
Far Future