The Israelites return from exile and rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem
- With encouragement from phophets Israelites go and rebuild the temple. Haggai 1:3-4 Then the word of the LORD came through the prophet Haggai. "It is a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?"
Jan 1, 750
The Babylonians destroy Jerusalem and force survivors to live in exile in Babylon for 70 years
19.Babylonians laid seige on Jerusalem and firced survivors to leave the land and went to find somewhere else to live.
2 Kings 25:4 Then the city wall was brokenn through and the whole army fled at night through the gate between the two walls near the kings garden, through the Babylonians were surrounding the city. -
Jan 1, 1011
God makes a covenant with David, Israel’s second king
- God promises Israel's second king , David that he will be with him and help him. 2 Samuel 7:8 "Now then, tell my servant David, 'This is what the LORD almighty says took you from the pasture, from the tending the flock, and appointed you ruler over my people Israel.
Jan 1, 1043
Samuel anoints Saul, Israel’s first King
- God tells Israel but they want one anyways. Samuel took a flask of olive oil and pured it on Saul's head and kiseed him.
Jan 1, 1250
After Moses' death Joshua leads Israel into the Promised Land
- When Moses died Joshua (the new leader) leads Israel into the Promise Land. But when they take over the city they start to worship fake God's and everything soon does downhill.
Jan 1, 1300
Israel wanders in the desert for 40 years after lacking faith to enter the promsie land
- When the Isralites grumbled against God, he made them roam in the desert for 40 years. 1 for each day they explored the land.
Jan 1, 1407
Israel is led by Judges raised up by God to deliver his people
- God put Judges in charge of everyone so that they are kept in line.
Judges 2:16 Then the LORD raised up judges who delivered them from the hand of those who plundered them
- God put Judges in charge of everyone so that they are kept in line.
Judges 2:16 Then the LORD raised up judges who delivered them from the hand of those who plundered them
Jan 1, 1445
God promises to dwell with Israel in the Tabernbacle
- God makes Israel o build a tabernacle for him. The tabernacle is a palce where God's people will learn how to wroship him. He only lets the high priest see him once a year.
Jan 1, 1446
Israel is save from slavery in Egypt
- God saw that his people under udner slavery and they were treated badly. He choses moses to lead them out of Egypt and into the promsie land.
Jan 1, 1446
God makes a covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai
- Moses goes up to God and he was given instructions before God made a covernant. The 10 Commandments were given on two stone tablets and the commandments still apply today.
Joseph and his brothers return to Egypt
- After Jacob had died Joseph returned to Egypt with all his brothers sfter they burried their father.
Jacob's son, Joseph, is betrayed by his brothers
- Joseph's brothers were very jealous of the cloak that Jacob gave him.They were also jealous of all the dreams that he had of his brothers bowing down to him. He was betrayed by them when they sold him into slavery. Genesis 37;20 "Come now, lets kill him and say that a fericous animal devoured him."
The Temple is built by David’s son, Solomon
- Solomon builds a temple so people could wroship God. The Ark of the Covernant is palced in the Holy of Hollies and the Temple is filled with the glory of God. 2 Chronicles 2:5 The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all Gods
Israel is divided into two kingdoms by God
- God split Israel into two kingdoms because half of Israel rebelled and the kingdom had forsaken him and did not walk in him ways 1 Kings 12:11 My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.
The Assyrian army defeats the northern tribes of Israel and takes them into exile
- Israel rebels against God, God splits Israel into 2 groups. 2 Kings 17:5 The king of Assyra invaded the entire land, marched against Samaria and laid seige to it for 3 years.
God calls Abraham and makes a covernant with him that will last forever
- When Abraham was 99 years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and made covenants with him. God gave him decendents, land and blessing
The Tower of Babel is built
- People turned against God and wanted to make a building so tall that it could reach the heavens. God put a stop to this by scattering them all over the earth and they stoped building the city.
In response to sin God floods the world and makes a covernant with Noah and all the living creatures.
- God saw that the world was now corrupt so he was goign to flood the world to get rid of them. But there was a righteous man called Noah and his family was saved. Soon after they had came to their new land, Noah built a vineyard and got drunk. Genesis 6:7 So the LORD said, I will wipe from the face of this earth for I have regret I have made them
God creates the universe and men and women in his own image
*God creates light
*God creates water and sky
*God creates land
*God creates vegetation and animals
*God creates man, "then God said, "let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." -Genesis 1:27 -
Adam and Eve rebel against God
- Adam and Eve chose to eat from the tree of Good and Evil even though God told them not too. They were banished from the garden of Eden.