Bhutan since 1999

  • Television and internet legally allowed in Bhutan

    Has increased influence from the outside world, especially from India and the Western world.
  • 7,150 tourists visit Bhutan during this year

    This was the beginning of the fast increase in tourists visiting Bhutan every year.
  • Mock election

    This allowed the population to become accustomed to the democratic process
  • 20,000 tourists visit Bhutan during this year.

  • First National Council election

    Elected the first upper house of the new Parliament of Bhutan.
  • First parliamentary elections

  • First general election

    Elected the first lower house of the Parliament of Bhutan
  • The Enactment of the Constitution

    This was the enacting or revealing of the first Constitution.
  • First local government elections

    This was the last level of government to be elected and marked the end of the process of Bhutan becoming a full democracy.
  • 64,000 tourists visit Bhutan during this year.