5000 BCE
Egypt: childhood from a social class view
In Egypt children were considered from the role of their parents; if they were nobles or pharaohs, children were taught in several science and knowledges, but if the parents were farmers or slaves they receive education on hard work and labor activities. -
1800 BCE
Greece: children as a vase to form a morally correct adult
In Greece it was important the complete development of the being, this includes mind and body, and children were educated in order to grow as free men. Character and individuality of the alumni were key. Also the study of the law and moral started to be taught to the littles. Children are people who lack character and distinction. Actually children are considered important, so their ideas. But in terms of participation society is still a bit closed. -
900 BCE
Rome: children are property of the father
In Rome the goal was to teach children as formal speakers in order to have a society with good oratory; there were tutors in charge of them. Boys and girls are fathers' property. The infanticide is visible. Nowadays childhood is still attached to parents, it means that these figures are responsible for the kids. -
Middle Age I: in the shadows
Childhood is hidden. Education is responsibility of the father. Instead, the church started to push the law in order to punish those who kill children. -
Middle Age II: Childhood for GOD
Children is considered a possession. There is no liberal education but the church is now in charge of them. The Crusade of the children appeared. Childhood is related with a divine plan and related to angels. -
Middle Age III: Chidhood and the need to be punished
Children are considered subjects of punish or compassion. Physical corrections started to be highly implemented to guide children to a good path. -
Modern Era I: recovering the good interest on childhood
Studious men started to show interest on childhood: difference between them, education for different profiles and personalities, and others. -
Modern Era II: Scholarship
Tenderness started to be related to children. The scholar boy and girl ( and school attendance) made a transformation in education which now is focused on developing abilities on a potencial human being. -
Contemporary Age I: Kindergartner and other stages
Chidhood as a period of learning from observation and practice. Kindergartner is included in the education plan. Values should be included in the courses. -
Modern Era III: Children are naturally good
Childhood is not a potencial stage to be men or women but a period that should be enjoyed. Children deserve their own space and contexts, their own stuff and clothing. Instead, children should be punished to be good people or to avoid the chosen of a bad path. There is a doubt between the kid as a biological being and a social being. -
Contemporary Age II: Scientific studies focused on children
Several studies started to be focus on children. The State includes laws and rights for them. -
Contemporary Age III: children as workers
With the wars, children started to be taken as soldiers. Childhood conception was attached to blood and sacrifice. -
New Millenium: Childhood deserves respect and love
Organizations have been stablished in order to protect children. Childhood in now considered as a whole, with its own characteristics and needs, with the right to exist and be stocked with material and non-material things.