Between the Wars

By lottiew
  • WWI ended

  • Hitler discharged

    Adolf Hitler is discharged from a military hospital after severe mustard gas poisoning in his eyes. Adolf being discharged he made a statement saying " WWI was the greatest experience of all" as he believed that if they kept fighting him and his troups would have won.
  • Irish war of independence starts

    The Irish war of independence was a war fought by the irish republicans, the british state and its forces. the war was carried out in ireland and carried on for 3 years and 7 months. They fought because Ireland believed that they should be able to be independent from the United kingdom but still be a part of the British Empire.
  • Turkey signs the Treaty of Sevres

    Turkey signs the Treaty of Sevres with allied powers such as British Empire, France, Italy, Japan and the Ottoman Empire. it took 15 months to draw up the agreement and during this time period russia was excluded from the process. The treaty abolished the Ottoman Empire and obliged Turkey to renounce all rights over Arab Asia and North Africa.
  • construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

    It took 8 years to build the bridge and during this time 17 men died but only 2 died from falling off the bridge as they did not have safety harnesses and fell to there death.
  • the great depression begins

    the great depression was when lots of people lost their jobs which meant they stopped bringing money home to there families so they started lose their houses materials they needed to to survive and lots more they also lost land livestock which was their main food source.
  • Nazis lose in parliamentary election

    Hitler won 230 seats in parliament but after his speech he lost 34 people as they went to go and help a different contendor because they believed that hitler was not a good person to run their country.
  • opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

    whilst opening the bridge Captain Francis de Goof of new gard rushed in on horseback and cut the ribbon then later getting arrested for being a public nuisance
  • golden gate bridge

    construction starts on the bridge in san francisco in 1933 lasting for 4 years ending in 1937.The bridge was built with a 4,200 foot long suspension span making the bridge the largest suspension bridge in the world.
  • Spanish civil war

    The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) broke out when the Spanish army in Morocco when a few of the most influential generals of the Spanish Army, led by General Francisco Franco, rose up against the democratically elected Republican government, presided over by Manuel Azaña. Allegiances were not always clear-cut during this conflict.
  • Adolf Hitler opens 11th Olympic games

    Adolf Hitler opens up the 11th Olympic games in berlin germany. the NAzi administration spent 42 million dollars to impress 325 rival olympians.
  • WWII ended