Between The Wars

  • World War One Ends

    Treaty of Versailles is signed and Germany is angered with the results. Nevertheless, it ended World War One.
  • National Socialist German Workers' Party Founded

    National Socialist German Workers' Party Founded
    Wiki National Socialist German Worker's Party is founded making the pathway for the notorious Nazi party that brought devastation to many cutlers of the world.
  • Sturm Abteilung Is Formed

    Sturm Abteilung Is Formed
    The SA is formed also called, "Sturm Abteilung". They were an organization helping Hitler enforce and help his rise to a political position. (Fuhrer)
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    Nazi soldiers march to confront Germany officials resulting in Nazi casualties. This shows the immaturity of the future dictator and the weak military that would be put into place.
  • Germany's Economy On The Verge Of Collapsing

    Germany's Economy On The Verge Of Collapsing Germany's economy was effected by the United States stock market crash due to the amount of loans taken out to cover war expenses.
  • Adolf Hitler Named Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Named Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is called to be chancellor of Germany leading to a full dictatorship under his rule.
  • Hitler Starts Rounding Up For Labor Camps

    Hitler Starts Rounding Up For Labor Camps
    Holocaust Museum
    Hitler started concentration camps for the Jewish community to where they would receive harsh punishment and eventually horrid deaths.
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    A fire was set to a German German parliament building on February 27th. This lead Germany to enforce Nazi Germany leading to events such as the holocaust and Germany-wide censorship.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act
    The Enabling Act gave Hitler the power to make laws without talking to the Reichstag for four years.
  • Hitler Reoccupies the Rhineland

    Hitler Reoccupies the Rhineland
    Hitler sends troops to Rhineland, which broke the Treaty of Versailles, sparking the downfall towards the second world war.
  • The Nazi Olympics Berlin

    The Nazi Olympics Berlin
    Nazi Olympics
    The Nazi party hosted an Olympics for propaganda purposes. They wanted to portray a strong independent Germany under the rule of the Nazi Party.
  • World War Two Begins

    Germany invades Poland causing the secound World War to begin.