
Between The Wars MEXICO

By -Panda-
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Source of Information
    A proposal from the German Empire that was intercepted by the British. This telegram was sent to the German ambassador of Mexico.The telegram proposed how if the Americas were certian about going to war that Mexico and Germany would have an alliance with German funding.
  • Emiliano Zapata is Assasinated

    Emiliano Zapata is Assasinated
    Source of InformationSource of Information
    Emiliano Zapata is ambushed and assassinated in Chinameca. Due to a change in sides, Guajaro had Zapata assassinated, "Guajardo invited Zapata to a meeting, intimating that he intended to defect to the revolutionaries. However, when Zapata arrived at Chinameca...his men riddled him with bullets."
  • The Mayor of Parral, Chihuahua is Hanged

    Source of InformationFrancisco "Pancho" villla goes to Parral, Chihuahua and takes the town. Later, the mayor is hanged.
  • Battle of Ciudad Juárez

    Battle of Ciudad Juárez
    Source of InformationThe final major battle involving the rebellion of Francisco "Pancho" Villa. Villa attemped to capture Juarez from the Mexican army, causing the battle to begin. Whilst in engagement of the battle, the US army was intervened into protecting El Paso, Texas. The US routed the Villistas, cuasing them to retreat and making it the second largest battle of the Mexican Revolution and the final battle of the Border War. At least 100 Villistas were killed and injured, including General Lopez.
  • Period: to

    Between The Wars

    The time between WWI and WWII
  • Plan of Agua Prieta is Proclaimed

    Source of InformationCreated by the supporters of Gen, the Plan of Agua Prieta repudiated the government of President Venustiano Carranza. This started a rebellion against Venustiano Carranza. The plan was also used in the defeat of Obregón and his party in the 1920 presidential election. The plan refused to reconize elections from the states of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Nuevo León, Querétaro, and Tamaulipas. Support of the plan was accepted by many and more the 1/3 joined the rebellion.
  • Pancho Villa Dies

    Pancho Villa Dies
    Source of InformationInstead of taking his usual body of bodyguards, Pancho only takes a few associates with him to pick up a gold consignment and upon his way back a guy shouts out "Villa! Villa!" as a signal for seven riflemen to attack and fire somewhere around 40 bullets, killing Pancho with 9 bullets that pierced his upper chest.
  • Caesar Salad Created

    Caesar Salad Created
    Source of Information
    Caesar Cardini, an Italian immigrant who opperated restraunts in Mexico, one day (accounted by his daughter Rosa) was in the kitchen and created the dish we know as Caesar salad when a Fourth of July rush depleted their common salad supplies.
  • Oaxaca Earthquake

    Oaxaca Earthquake
    Source of Information
    An earthquake at an 8.0 magnitude that impacted parts of southern Mexico. Oaxaca was left in ruins. 70% of buildings destroyed. A total of 114 deaths were blamed by this earthquake. The town of Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz was reported to be completely destroyed.
  • Jalisco Earthquakes

    Jalisco Earthquakes
    Source of Information
    A megathrust earthquake that was acocunted for over 400 deaths. The quakes registered at an 8.2 magnitude, which did cause a tsunami. "The initial earthquake of June 3 off of the coast of Colima...Fifteen days after the first shock, June 18 at 4:15 am, there was a magnitude 7.7...The final and smallest event occurred on June 22 with a magnitude 7 earthquake." -Earthquake Sequence
  • Bancomext is Established

    Bancomext is Established
    Source of Information
    Developed to promote and finance smaller exporting companies in Mexico that exported as well as providing consulting service.
  • Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil

    Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil
    Source of Information
    Mexican president Lázaro Cárdenas signed a paper that did away with all foreign oil company's assets that operated in Mexico. Which led to the creation of a monopolized Mexican oil company that went by PEMEX.
  • Mexico Declares War On Germany

    Mexico Declares War On Germany
    Source of Information
    German submarines attack Mexican oil tankers, resulting in President Manuel Camacho to declare war on the axis.
    Tankers Involved:
    SS Potrero del Llano
    Faja de Oro