between shades of gray

By bb10028
  • Period: to

    between shades of grey

  • Lina and her family are forced to leave their home

    Lina and her family are forced out of their home and taken captive. Little do they know there is a rare chance they will return.
  • Lina and her family board the train

    Lina and her family board the train
    Lina and her family board the train and it begins to move. Nobody knows where they are heading.
  • The train begins to move

    The train begins to move
    The train the prisoners had boarded begins to move and none of the passengers have a clue where they will end up.
  • Arive in Vilnius

    Arive in Vilnius
    They arive in Vilnius (the capital of lithuania) but soon find out that Vilnius is not their final desination and continue moving farther and farther away.
  • Period: to

    between shades of grey