Exposition: Background
Tamara is a girl that lives on Ramble street . She used to be best friends with Kebsie,who lmoved out to live with her real mom. Now Muscle Man Mcginty lives there. -
Exposition: Setting
The setting is in Massapequa Park,Ramble Street, and it is the begginging of summer. -
Exposition: Characters
Tamara-doesn't like Muscle Man at all, used to be best friends with Kebsie, and her nick name is Tammy.
Muscle Man McGinty-Always tells lies and everyone beleives him except for Tamara -
Rising Action: Coflict
Muscle Man McGinty tells all these lies and unbeleiveable storys about himself and everyone on Ramble street belevies him accept for Tamara. -
Rising Action #1
Every since Kebsie moved away, about a month and a half ago Muscle Man Mcginty had lived in her old house. From the very first day that Muscle man live there he has been telling lies, like he was a olympic swimmer. -
Rising action #2
At the 4th of July party he told Mr. Pizzarell, a cop sang his traditional song, and afterwards Muscle Man Mcginty told him that he sang on broad way, so if he ever needed some pointers to hit those high notes he will give him some. -
Rising action #3
Muscle Man tells all the kids in the neighborhood that his ancle is Neil Armstrong. -
Rising action#4
Muscle Man gets in a arguement with Tammy aabout him beiga a good player or not. -
Rising action #5
Muscle Man challenges the whole street to a kickball game. -
Climax/turning point
Tammy finds out that Muscle Man McGinty's parents died in a car crash and thats why he is in a foster home. -
Falling Action #1
After Muscle Man, Mr. Pizzarelli, Big Danny, and John Marco are finish planting the tree, Muscle Man has the idea of praying for Vinny then Mr. Pizzarelli says they could also pray fo Muscle Man's parents, and thats what they all do. -
Falling Action #2
Tamara finds out that the letters that Muscle Man has been giving to her and saying they are from kebsie, were really from him, and were fake. Then Tammy goes up to him and punshies him twice and makes him bleed. Then Tamara makes him tell why he did that, infront of all the kids. Of course Muscle Man says a lie. -
Falling Action #3
Tamara hears the Grabowasky's talking (really loudly) about what they are going to eat and do at their Moon Walk party (which they are planing), Tammy and her family never gets invited to. -
Resolution #1
Muscle Man finds Tammy on the garage roof and ask for a chance to be her friend. Then he brings to a bar which they sneak into to watch the moon walk. -
Resolution #2
They get caught then Mr. Pizzarelli says that he will watch them. They all watch together talking about how the astronuat must have a feeling of loniless and emptiness being far away from the ones they loved All three people had the same feeling about someone. -
Resolution #3
Mr. Pizzarelli walks them all back to Ramble Street. Tamara tells Mr. Pizzarelli about the letter and he still cares about Tammy. Muscle Man says that he wants to be a Astronaut for Vinnie. When they get to Tamara's house she says thank you to Mr. Pizzarelli and he says your welcome. Then Tammy turns to Muscle Man and says Thanks too. He says any time, Finally Tamara goes "Arooooo" -
Falling Action #4
Tamara asks her mother if they are going to watch the moon walk and answers no. Her mom said even if we were invited to the Grabwasky's party we wouldn't watch because you are grounded. Tamara says under her breath "we are never invited to their party.