Berlin wall facts

  • fact 1

    Berlin was divided into four sectors, the american, British, French, and soviet, which was where that country "ruled" so to speak.
  • Fact 2

    Fact 2
    In order to travel between sectors you need a 30 day pass called an interzonepass.
  • Fact 3

    The Berlin Blockade begun, which means you can not go to the other side of Berlin without the governments permission
  • Fact 4

    The Berlin Blockade was ended, which was the originally metaphorical wall of Berlin.
  • Fact 5

    this was the beginning of the Federal Republic of Germany, which after a lengthy time lapse, joined all of the sectors to one.
  • Fact 6

    the border between East and West Germany and between East Germany and West Berlin is closed. But, the border between East and West Berlin was still opened
  • Fact 7

    Berlin workers "rebelled", which increased the working norms. They were suppressed by red army tanks.
  • Fact 8

    The Western Powers waive the Interzonenpass, the Soviet Union follows.
  • Fact 9

    Leaving East Germany without permission is forbidden and violations are prosecuted with prison up to three years
  • Fact 10

    The border between East and West Berlin is closed, and barriers are built
  • Fact 11

    the Brandenburg was closed
  • Fact 12

    West Berlin crossing points are closed.
  • Fact 13

    J.F.K visits Berlin and says "Ich bin ein Berliner." which means "i am a Berliner", but was taken as "I am a Berliner doughnut."
  • Fact 14

    West Berlin citizens may visit East Berlin for the first time in more than two years.
  • Fact 15

    Four Power's Agreement over Berlin makes visiting easier for west Berlin
  • Fact 16

    Ronald Reagan visited Berlin to urge the destruction of the wall.
  • Fact 17

    Hungary opens border for refugees.
  • Fact 18

    Berlin wall opens.
  • Fact 19

    Brandenburg gate opens.
  • Fact 20

    Germany is finally reunited.