Period: to
Berlin Wall
Soviets Withdraw from Allied Control Council of Berlin
Announcement of the Creation of West Germany
Soviets Stop all Surface Travel Between West Germany and Berlin
Berlin Airlift Begins
Berlin Blockade Ends
Berlin Airlift Ends
The Berlin Outer Ring Construction Began
This was a railway that would bypass West Berlin -
Passes Between East and West Germany Begin
Soviets Gives Autority to East Germany for Civilians to Move in Berlin
East Germany Restricts Almost All Travel to West Germany
New Passport Law Restricting the Number of Refugees Leaving East Germany
The Brain Drain
Refugees leaving East Germany tended to be younger and well-educated. About 50% of the intelligent people left East Germany, causeing what they call the "brain drain". -
International Press Conference for the Wall
A press conference was held that was named "Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!" (No one has the intention of erecting a wall!). -
Wall Cut Off East and West Germany
The Berlin Wall is built -
First Death of Many
Ida Siekmann was the first person to die at the Berlin Wall. She jumped out of a window in her third floor apartment trying to get over the wall. Gunter Litfin was the first person shot while trying to swim across the Spree Canal. -
Completion of the Berlin Outer Ring
The railway going around West Berlin is finally finished. -
Period: to
All Crossing Points Closed to the People
No West Berlin people could visit East Berlin or East Germany between this time -
Death Strip Was Created
A second parallel fence was created about 100 meters away from the original Berlin wall. The land inbetween the two fences became known as the death strip. It had raked sand or gravel so that footprints were easy to notice. Anyone spotted in the Death Strip was to be killed. -
Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall
U.S. President John F. Kenedy visited West Berlin and gave his speech with the United State's support for West Germany. -
Improved Wall.
Extra wire fencing was added to improve the wall -
New Crossings
After agreements in 1972, new crossings were created for West Berlin to haul and despose of waste in East Berlin dumps -
Shoot to Kill
Reasearchers found that gaurds were instructed that people trying to cross the wall were criminals and needed to be shot and killed. They were specifically told not to hesitate with women and children for it is just a tactic used by traitors. -
Construction Begins For Stutzwandelement UL 12.11
Stutxwandelement UL 12.11 was also known as the fourth-generation wall. It was the final and most sophisticated of all of the walls. It was made form 45,000 indivitdual sections of reinforced concrete with each section 12 ft high and 3.9 ft wide. -
Construction Ends for Stutzwandelement UL 12.11
Physical Board Defenses Disabled
Hungary and Austria disabled the physical defenses on the boarders of Germany -
Protest Demonstrations Spread Throughout East Germany
Many protests spread throughout East Germany in Septembr of 1989. This was caused by the East German authorities only allowing people to leave if they went by train through East Germany. Most of the protesters were just people who wanted to leave to the West. This was also known as the "Peaceful Revolution," with people chanting "Wir bieiben hier" (We want out) and others chanting "Wir wollen raus" (We're staying here). -
The Resignation
The leader of East Germany, Erich Honecker, resigned and was replaced by Egon Krenz -
Protests Reach Their Peak
Half a million people gathered to demand political change at the Alexanderplatz demostration in East Berlin's large public square -
Tearing Down the Wall
East and West Reuinite
East Germany is dissouluted and they officialy reunited the German states along the democratic lines fo the West -
Destruction of Wall Comes to an End