Berlin Wall

  • Divide in Berlin

    May 1945 the soviets captured the east. Berlin was divided into four separate sections: France, US, Britain, and The Soviets. This was important because it started the contentions between the east and the west.This is important because it is starting the divide between them.
  • Safeguarding

    The boarder between the west and the east is safeguarded. This is important because this is when the start keeping and eye on the boarder.
  • Currency

    The currency is formed. Its split onto two zones. This is important because it helps cement that Berlin is split.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin airlift begins. It's where the US and other helping countries brought food to the east by plain. This is important because easterners could have food and survive.
  • 1949-49

    This year was very eventful. In this year the soviet army started building hod podge wall with sand bags, people, and little brick walls causing a physical split between east and west Berlin. Also in this year the Federal Republic of Germany (west) is founded. Then a few months later the German Democratic Republic (east) is established. This chain of events is important because it is officially separated by government.
  • Berlin Airlift Ends

    The Berlin airlift is ended for it is not needed anymore. This is important because this means they were able to find food themselves.
  • The Border is Closed

    The border between west and east Germany is closed, but Berlin's borders is still open. This was important because the split and tension between the west and the east was strengthened.
  • Riots

    In 1953 the Easterners start rioting about working conditions and the soviet soldiers step in. This was important because it show that the soviets had no tolerance for those types of behaviors.
  • Permission to Cross

    You now need permission to cross over to the West or East. Once more the tensions were built up event more.
  • Illegal to leave

    It officially became illegal to leave East Berlin. If you did you could have been put in Prison for up to three years. This mad it permanent that if you lived in East Berlin then you could never leave.
  • Building of the Wall!

    The wall was officially built in 1961. This is important because the put a physical barrier between the east and the west.
  • The Brandenburg Gate is Closed

    The Brandenburg Gate is closed. This is a Roman Structure on the East soil the makes it possible to leave or enter Berlin. This was important because it finally made it final that no one enters and no one leaves.
  • US President Visits

    John F Kennedy Visits the wall. There He declares he will protect the westerners. This brought the US in as helpers and defenders.
  • Diplomatic Ties

    West and East Berlins Establish Diplomatic ties formally.
  • Ronald Regan

    In 1987 Ronald Reagan visits Berlin and Urges the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev to tare down the wall. This starts the process of healing.
  • Opening Boarders

    Hungary with Austria opened their boarders and Easterners slowly start to move to west Berlin. This is important because now easterners are finally able to escape.
  • Eastern Government Declines

    On November 4 millions of easterners attend a pro-democracy demonstration. There the eastern government declines. This is important because now the better government can take over.
  • The Wall is Breached!!

    The easterners finally rioted at the wall till they let them through. the soldiers stood back and thousands flooded to the west. Afterwords they civilians started taring it down it down in excitement, relief, and celebration. This is important because the wall is finally coming down and the pain and misery is done.
  • Brandenburg Gate is Open!!!!!!!

    The Brandenburg is open!! Now people are able to leave and enter Berlin as they please.
  • Reunited Again

    Finally west and east Berlin reunited once more! This is important because the Berlin wall is finally over!