Sharing is caring
The allied powers shared berlin and cut germany into zones that each of them would control. -
Economic reform
The western countries helped get the german economy going. -
Period: to
Trafic control
The soviet union stopped all trafic between eastern and western zones -
Period: to
Zhey have escaped!
Over 600.000 people escaped from east germany to west germany. -
Pst kids. wanna buy some communism?
China became communists after a revolution -
NATO was created -
Western germany became a real country -
East germany
Stalin liked the thought of an eastern germany -
Zone control
The borders between DDR and west germany were blocked by fences and landmines -
Almost revolution
DDR didn't wan't communism -
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Nikita Khrusjtjov
Less Stalin for everybody -
Period: to
Zhey have escaped!!!
People escaped from eastern germany through berlin. -
Period: to
Economy is hard work
As often happens. the economy ended up getting fucked over. -
Hungary went to war with the soviet union -
Stalin was a bastard
Stalin's crimes were revealed. -
Cuba got communism
Period: to
Berlin mur
It stood in this timespan -
ve vuld like the freedoms
Tjekko-slovakia got invaded by the Soviet Union after trying to gain freedom. -
The Helsinki pact
This was a great step forward for the world. well it was simply countries actually getting something done