Benjamin Hoang - History Culminating

  • Period: to

    Women over Canada slowly being granted the right to vote

  • Agnes Macphail becomes first woman to win a seat in the House of Commons

  • Person's Case appealed by British Privy Council

  • Cairine Wilson first female senator sworn in

  • Asian women and men granted right to vote

  • Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada established

  • Sale and advertisement of birth control legalized

  • Report made by Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada labels 167 ways to reduce gender inequity

  • National Action Committee on the Status of Women created

  • Women working at an auto-parts plant called Fleck go on strike

  • Rape between husband and wife made illegal

  • Women's Legal Education and Action Fund founded

  • Abortion legalized

  • Plebiscite put to Inuit people about gender equity

  • Idle No More is formed to protest against Bill C-45