Discreditation of liberal regime
Benito Mussolini got the fascists to cause disorder to discredit the liberal regime. They marched to Rome where the King Victor Emmanuel. The king then asked Mussolini to form a government. (World Future Funds) -
Black Shirts March
Black Shirts were an organization formed by the fascist organization. They would wear black shirts and they would violently attack communist, socialist, and other radical parties. Which then culminated the famous March of Rome then got Mussolini into power. (Britannica) -
Inspiration from Russian Revolution
The Italians were inspired by the Russian Revolution and they ended up siding with the Bolsheviks. Later on they seized land and factories, which made people who owned property get scared from getting their land land seized. (World Certury Ends) -
Discrimination against the Slavic people
Mussolini said during a speech "I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italian." That shows that they didn't have much respect for the Slavics because they didn't care as long as there saving Italians lives. -
Benito Mussolini's Economic Policy
Benito Mussolini originated an economic system. He believed in government control over the economy. It was believed that every person owes unconditional allegiance to their country. He also believed that if the constitution doesn't allow the leader to bring a friend into power, then disregard the constitution. (Powell, Jim. Forbes) -
Spazio Vitale
Spazio vitale means vital space and Benito Mussolini wanted to expand Italy. He wanted to expand Italy and that is why they got into World War 1 was to get more land. (Liquisearch) -
Il Duce
They would call Benito Mussolini who was a dictator over Italy II Duce. What does II Duce means once you translate it into English it means "the leader".
(Biography) -
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March on Rome
The march of Rome was established by the fascists and Benito Mussolini. They created the March on Rome because he wanted a transfer of power within the framework of the constitution. (Britannica) -
Consolidation of Power In Lybia
After taking over Albania he then established his power in Lybia. Lybia was loosely a colony at the time so it was very easy for Mussolini to take it over -
Corfu Incident
Italians forming part of an international boundary delegation were murdered on Greek soil, leading Benito Mussolini to order a naval bombardment of Corfu. After the Greeks appealed to the League of Nations, the Italians were ordered to evacuate but Greece was forced to pay Italy an indemnity. (Britannica) -
OVRA (Secret Police)
Italy had a secret police under Mussolini called OVRA. 4000 people were arrested by OVRA and sent to prison. (The History Learning Site) -
Police State
Mussolini created the secret police and introduced laws stating that journalists must be fascists. Italy soon after became a police state. -
Invasion of Ethiopia
Italy quickly invaded Ethiopia and slaughtered the locals. They used chemical weapons such as mustard gas and phosgene. It was said that hey sprayed them down from the air like insecticides. It was Benito himself that decided to authorize the use of these weapons. (New World Encyclopedia) -
Benito Mussolini first brought up Natalism because he felt he needed to increase Italy's population. He wanted to increase the population by 20 million people and by this he banned abortions. By doing this it created cheap labor force. (Italy pro- natalism policy) -
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Puppet Regime In Albania
Benito Mussolini decided to invade and take over Albania. The original king fled and reluctantly a new king rose to power, but in fact he was just a puppet. Benito installed Shefqet Verlaci to the be the actual leader. (Peter Chen, C. WWII Database)