
Benito Mussolini

By lauu_12
  • Birth of Benito Mussolini

    Birth of Benito Mussolini
  • Joined in the Socialist Party

  • He moved to Switzerland

    He moved to Switzerland
    Worked as teacher before moving to Switzerland to invade military service
  • Deported to Italy

  • He was ejected from the party

    mussolini supported the war and this got he ejected from the party
  • He rejoined the army

    rejoined the army and served in the war before an injury sent him back to his newspaper jobs
  • Italian Combat Squad

    He created the Italian combat squad as an alternative to socialism
  • The combat squad became the national fascist party

    The combat squad became the national fascist party. Mussolini won a seat in the Italian Chamber of Deputies
  • 40th Prime Minister of Italy

    Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy
  • Made himself dictator

    He made himself dictator and took the title of ill duche
  • The latter impact of 1929

    One of the most important achievements of mussolini
  • Mussolini sent military aid to Spain

    Mussolini sent military aid to Spanish dictator Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War
  • Mussolini adopted the anti-semitic manifesto of race

  • The pact of Steel solidified the Rome Berlin axis of 1936

  • Mussolini though the war was almost over so entered Italy to the conflict as an axis power

  • Mussolini’s steadily lost support

  • He was ousted from power by the Italian King and subsequently arrested

  • Mussolini was captured and executed

    As Mussolini attempted to escape to Switzerland he was captured and executed