Mussolini 22

Benito Mussolini

By matobey
  • Mussolini Is Born

    Mussolini Is Born
    Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born in Predappio, Italy. He was born to Alessandro Mussoliniand Rosa Maltoni. (Giuliano)
  • End of Chinese-Japanese War

    These two countries were fighting for years on end, and the fial outcome fimally was resolved when Mussolini was 13. (Grun)
  • USA-Spain war

    When Mussolini was 16, The United States of America decleared war on the Spanish for control of Cuba. Little did we know that Cuba would turn into our enemies and would become very violent. (Grun)
  • USA acuires Panama Canal

    When Mussolini turns 20, the USA has moves on to other Central American countries. After a little while of fighting for our right to obtain the Panama Canal, we finally recieve ownership of it. (Grun)
  • Mussolini's First Important Job

    Mussolini's First Important Job
    Mussolini's first memorable occupation was when he turned 29 and was the editor for the Milan socialist newspaper called Avanti! Here he learns about responsibility and power in this business. (Axelrod)
  • WWI is on the rise

    Around this time WWI begins and alliances start to form. It was in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China, and parts of the Americas' coasts. After the end of this war in 1918 many new countries are made and many empires fall. (Grun)
  • Mussolini To The Army

    Mussolini To The Army
    At 32 years old, Mussolini gets enlisted in the Italian Army as a private. In the army, Benito learns different ways of attack or combat, he gains much courage and strength, and a mind that is sure to explode with ideas. (Axelrod)
  • Facisim Erupts

    Mussolini, after leaving the army, has the idea of making a new form of government, called facisim. He visions it while in the army ans believes that is a new renovation that will sweep the nation. (Axelrod)
  • Mussolini creates Dictatorship

    Benito Mussolini, soon after forcing a march on Rome of his newly created religion called facisim, this dictatorship quickly will become very popular with the rich and wealthy people living in Italy, and with leaders of other countries. This leadership doesn not go by well with the poor. (Axelrod)
  • Mussolini ends Woman's Rights

    Benito Mussolini believes what most other male leaders believed early on in history; that males were by far the superior gender. After he begins his dictatorship, not just the poor were the ones who were outraged at him. When he expunges the rights of women, the women of his nation start to hate him but can not do anything about it. (Benito)
  • Black Tuesday

    On this day when Mussolini was 47, Wall Street in America crashed, and it went down as a traumatic event called Black Tuesday. This was the most devastating market crash ever in America. (Grun)
  • Mussolini lends a Hand

    During the Spanish Civil War, Mussolini felt like he could use an alliance for later on when he might need one, so he send troops and supplies to Spain to help control the situation. (Axelrod)
  • Mussolini's "Best Friend'

    Mussolini forms an alliance with another leader named Adolf Hitler. These two both love to have power and want to expand something that they created, weather it is a government party or a religion. (Axelrod)
  • The First Occupation

    Much like Hitler, Mussolini took great pleasure in dominating others and being the top of power. Mussolini sent his army to occupy Albania in attempts to show he is a world threat when together wth Hiter. (Axelrod)
  • Beginning of a Second World War

    Around this time when Mussolini forms an alliance with Adolf Hitler, there is a secord war breaking out on a larger scale. This war involved atomic bombs and just about the same amount of violence, and hopefully this will never happen again. (Grun)
  • The Death of a Dictator

    Benito Mussolini dies from the ones who he never would have expected; from his own people. Mussolini was arrested and hung in Italy after being captured. He serves as an example of how power can get to your head. (Giuliano)