Benazir bhutto speaking

Benazir Bhutto

  • Partition of India & Creation of Pakistan

  • Benazir Bhutto is born

  • Pakistan Peoples Party Created

    Pakistan Peoples Party Created
    founded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Benazir's father)
  • Period: to

    Indo-Pakistani War

    East Pakistan attempts to leave Pakistan, leading to civil war. India intervenes to support East Pakistanis which leads to Pakistan creating a war with India. In the end, East Pakistan breaks away to become Bangladesh.
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    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto becomes 4th President of Pakistan

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    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto becomes 9th Prime Minister of Pakistan

  • Benazir Bhutto graduates from Oxford University

    Benazir Bhutto graduates from Oxford University
  • General Muhammad Zia ul-Hak overthrows Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

    General Muhammed Zia ul-Hak declares martial law in Pakistan.
  • Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is executed

    Zulfikar Bhutto was executed due to his decision to murder a political opponent two years as prime minister in a military coup. His family (including Benazir) are exiled to the United Kingdom
  • Benazir Bhutto leads Pakistan Peoples Party

    Benazir Bhutto returns from exile in London to lead the Pakistan Peoples Party, founded by her father.
  • Period: to

    Benazir Bhutto becomes the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan

    Following the death of General Zia Benazir Bhutto, at the age of 35 Benazir Bhutto becomes the first female prime minister of a muslum nation.
  • President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismisses Benazir Bhutto's government

    President Khan did this due to Bhutto's failure to control corruption and ethic violence. Nawaz Sharif becomes the next prime minister.
  • President Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif resign.

    They both resign due to military pressure.
  • Period: to

    Benazir Bhutto is prime minister for the second time

  • Benazir Bhutto's brother Murtaza Bhutto dies

    Benazir Bhutto's brother Murtaza Bhutto dies
    Murtaza dies in a gun battle with police in Karachi.
  • President Farooq Leghari dismisses Bhutto's government.

    President Farooq dismisses her second administration amid accusations of nepotism and undermining the justice system.
  • rime Minister Nawaz Sharif overthrown in military coup led by General Pervez Musharraf

  • Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan

    She narrowly escapes a suicide bombing that kills nearly 140 people during a homecoming procession in Karachi.
  • Period: to

    Benazir Bhutto is put under house arrest

    She is put under house arrest to keep her from speaking at a rally to protest Musharraf's imposition of emergency rule and the urgency for him to resign
  • Benazir Bhutto is assassinated

    After Bhutto addresses thousands of supporters in Rawalpindi, she is killed when a gunman opens fire and a suicide bomb explodes