Ben frank

Ben Frank Life

  • Ben Frank's Born

    Ben Frank's Born
  • Period: to


  • an apprentice with his brother James in there printing shop

    an apprentice with his brother James in there printing shop
  • opens printing office in Philadelphia, PA

    opens printing office in Philadelphia, PA
    called the Franklin Court Printing Office. Franklin knew the power of the press and definately used it to his advantage. a year later he created his own daily newspaper that everyone got. its still up today and anyone could visit it to see how an 18th century printing office worked back in the day
  • becomes sole owner and publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette

    becomes sole owner and publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette
    the United States' first ever newspaper system and it was definately the most prominent newspaper from 1728-1800. Primarily a publication for classified ads, merchants and individuals listed notices of employment, lost and found goods and items for sale
  • Ben marries Deborah Reed

    Ben marries Deborah Reed
    she was also an inventor, printer, and a founding father of the united states because of all she did with benny boy, but she eventually left him for another man, then came back to benny boy and had 2 kids together...
  • Creates Poor Richards Almanac

    Creates Poor Richards Almanac
    contained the calendar, weather, poems, sayings, astronomical information, math problems, and demographcs. it was a best seller in the colonies and he sold over 10,000 copies
    per year
  • retires from printing

    retires from printing
    gives up his printing shop to a kid named Rockwell
  • signs Declaration of Independance

    signs Declaration of Independance
    ben frank was one of 56 people to sign the declaration of independance and it ultimately meant that we as a nation were now independant and free from Britain. but franklin wasnt just a random person out of the 56, he was in the Commitee of 5 which was 5 men who actually drafted and presented the declaration to congress. it was accepted and later signed by 56 people
  • signs the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance with France

    signs the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance with France
    during the American Revolution the American colonies were struggling to find international support against the British. our most important diplomatic success during the whole war was our link with france. our continental congress formed the Secret Commitee of Correspondance which was used to secretly communicate with other european countries around the globe and that was how we communicated with France. Ben Frank was the writer in that secret commitee and thats how France knew we were all in
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War between us, we had American independence and established borders for our new nation. peace talks in Paris began in April 1782 between Richard Oswarld representing Britain and the American Peace Commissioners Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams. we negociated and the treaty was signed Nov 30,1782 but not publicly shown until Jan 14, 1784. we fought against Britain in the Rev War but after the treaty they fought with us in WW1 and WW2
  • signs Constitution of the United States-55 men attended meetings-39 men signed

    signs Constitution of the United States-55 men attended meetings-39 men signed
    the constitution shaped how we are today and how things are to run all the way up to the president, gov,the 3 branches, and down to the average citizen. September 1787, the Constitution was completed, but many delegates were having 2nd thoughts. Frank wrote a passionate speech to urge the delegates to sign the constitution, it worked for many but still some delgates refused to sign. Franklin admitted the constitution wasnt perfect and never will be, but this needed to be done
  • Ben Frank Dies

    Ben Frank Dies
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was huge for the US because we effectively doubled in size for the US. we paid about 4 cents per acre for the whole thing, it was big buy but generally cheap. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay were members of the American negotiating team, and they were the main negociators for us. So ultimately Franklin and the other 2 bought half our country and it became permanent in 1803 after benjamins death so he never got to see it actually be ours