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Bellamy Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Helen of troy the most beautiful women in the world at that time was kidnapped. Odysseus and a lot of other Greeks went to save her due to orders from Menelaus the king.This part of the story is what explains why Odysseus goes on the trip to Trojan. Him and his crew used a horse to tricked the Trojans and finally beat them after 10 years of war.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War pt.2

    Trojan War pt.2
    Odysseus lost 10 years that he could've spent building a family and spending time with friends. Tough he was able to use his incredible talent of amazing strategy making to help his king. This journey is what starts the journey of finding out new things and learning lessons.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men came pass the lotus eaters land after drifting at sea for nine days. They stop there to drink water and eat food. While there Odysseus tells them about the lotus eaters. They offer honey covered flowers and if you eat the honey you forget about your home. After hearing this so they wont get tempted they sail off fast.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops pt.2

    Cyclops pt.2
    Summary continued: Earlier Odysseus told the cyclops that his name was Nohbdy. So at the end when Odysseus and his crew got away Odysseus made fun of the cyclops.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his crew went on this island out of curiosity. There lived Cyclops and they went into his cave. The cyclops ended up eating some of Odysseus men. Odysseus had a plan to escape he got the cyclops drunk then poked the cyclops in the eye to harm him vision but couldn’t kill him because he was the only one that could move the rock that closed the cave. Even though the cyclops was poked in the eye he could still see so Odysseus and his men hid under the cyclops sheep.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops pt.3

    Cyclops pt.3
    Odysseus lost crew members due to the cyclops but with this adventure he learned how loneliness can make you act and feel. Since the cyclops isn't used to being around other living organisms that can talk with him, he is rude to them. Because they almost died this one crew member doesn't trust Odysseus since his curiosity almost killed the. Though most of the crew still follows him.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind pt. 2

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind pt. 2
    Odysseus learned that hi few doesn't trust him as much as he thought they did. If they did trust him they would've just sled what was in the bag when he was woke. We also find out about the trust issues going around. Because Odysseus didn’t go off on him we see that he’s mature. Though now that they opened the bag, the winds will send them to a different route.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind
    Because of the god’s hospitality rule Aeolus the wind God had to let Odysseus and his crew stay as long has they wanted. They stayed for a month, to show more hospitality Aeolus gives Odysseus a gift: a bag of wind. When they set sail Odysseus crew decided to open the bag when Odysseus is sleep thinking its goods. In doing so they let all the strong winds out. Aeolus doesn't help them again because he believes they are cursed. They head to Circe’s island and Odysseus isn't even mad about it.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters pt.2

    Lotus Eaters pt.2
    It seems like Odysseus has gained his crews trust by getting close with them. This event shows that Odysseus knows some information on what him and his crew will face on this adventure. This is where the story begins to get interesting and the unrealistic things begin to happen. This is the start of a relationship with his crew because they work together and trust each other; for now.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe pt.2

    Circe pt.2
    Odysseus made a speech so she could let his men go and she did. When they came back they looked different. They looked young, handsome and taller. After all this Odysseus and his men stay with Circe for a few days. They stayed feasting in food. The crew had to remind Odysseus of home so then he goes to Circe for a way to get home. She tells him they he have to go to the under-world.
  • 1200 BCE


    On this next island lived Circe she had a hall full of guard wolfs and mountain lions but they didn't move so they found that weird. She lured the crew in except for Eurylochus, he was scared it was a trap. She gave the crew wine, with something inside it they would make them forget about home. Then she turned them to pigs. Odysseus went to save his men. She tried to do the same with him but it didn't work on him. Circe tried to get Odysseus to her bed but he focused on getting his crew freed.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe pt.3

    Circe pt.3
    Odysseus is a real leader and hero. When he went to save his crew from Circe he didn’t get distracted. We also learned that his crew probably wouldn’t have survived without Odysseus because the rest of the crew was too scared to go save them. They would have just left the. This location lets us know that Odysseus journey will continue. He’s not going straight home, he has to go to the under-world. He learned that his hard journey will go on too but he gain some more trust from his crew.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens pt.2

    Sirens pt.2
    Odysseus gained a story to tell. He can tell his crew and family how it sounds and how he felt. We know that Odysseus crew actually know how to follow orders. They know when to be serious at times and not let their pride get to them. This location doesn't really change the theme except them going to a new land.
  • 1200 BCE


    The sirens are women that sings to lure men in. If they hear this and to towards the sirens they will forget their lady and kids. Odysseus wanted to see what it sounded so he used circe’s advice. While his crew wears ear plugs he is tied up. They slowly rowed pass and didn’t take the ear plugs out until they dont see the sirens at all.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis pt.2

    Scylla and Charybdis pt.2
    This shows that Odysseus has learned his men. These few years he learned what his men react to and how. This event will effect the plot because the men would be curious why he let scylla eat their men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla was a 6 headed monster. Charybdis was a giant whirlpool. Scylla would only eat 6 crew members, each head gets one man. While Charybdis would take the whole ship down. Odysseus doesn't tell his men about these two situations so they won’t be scared and freak out. So he just follows Circe’s orders and travel on the side where Scylla is so he won’t lose his whole ship.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/home pt.3

    Suitors/home pt.3
    Odysseus got his home and his wife back. We don’t know what happened to the rest of his crew. What we do know is that Odysseus will always have someone that has his back. He had his crew and a few gods out at sea. At home he had his son, Eumaeus and now his wife. This event has determined Odysseus' future. He will now be happy with his family and doesn't have to die with no family around.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ cattle pt.2

    Helios’ cattle pt.2
    Odysseus lost 7 more years of his life because his crew couldn’t listen to him. Honestly if I was Odysseus I wouldn’t be able to stand for it. I wouldn’t leave the crew because I don’t want to be lonely, but I will remind them that I am pretty smart and I can do without them. Because of this event he meets King Alcinous and the king helps him home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios‘ cattle

    Helios‘ cattle
    Odysseus and his crew lands on the island Thrinacia, land of the sun god Helios. The crew doesn't heed Odysseus' warning and eats the sun god's cattle. Helios gets mad and threatens them. To please Helios, Zeus strikes Helios' ship and the crew ends up getting stranded at Ogygia for 7 years.
  • 1200 BCE


    Penelope gets Odysseus' bow and challenges the suitors. Whoever can bend and string the bow and send the arrow through 6 ax heads in a row gets to marry her. The suitors and swineherds get into a fight. Then Odysseus shows up dressed as an old beggar. First he confronts his son Telemachus. Then he has a plan as always. He tells Telemachus and his trusty man Eumaeus.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/home pt.2

    Suitors/home pt.2
    Eumaeus gets Odysseus' bow. Odysseus gives a speech to the suitors then kills their most powerful man(their leader). He gives another speech and then kills the rest. He then goes to Penelope(his wife). Penelope doesn't trust him so she tells him to move the bed. The bed is made up of a tree and she knows that no one can move it. Odysseus gets mad that she asked him to do that and that’s how she knew it was Odysseus.