
  • Beginning of the Caste War of Yucatan

  • End of the Caste War of Yucatan

    Ended offically with the Mexican occupation of the Maya capital Chan Santa Cruz
  • Independence

    Belize became independent from the UK
  • Hurricane Mitch

    storm caused several thousand deaths
  • Belize is going to conserve land

    Belize agreed to conserve 23000 acres of land in exchange for the US to give them 1.4 million dollars in debt relief
  • Hurricane Iris hit Belize

    19 dead and 3 missing
  • belize and six other nations agreed to form a force to combat terrorism, drug trafficing, and other threats

    the contries were Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Hondaras, Nicaragua, and Panama
  • Dean Oliver Barrow

    Dean Oliver Barrow
    Dean Oliver Barrow became prime minister
  • Goverment decides to stop sending appeals to the british privy

  • town overun by crack, cocaine

    town of Orange Walk was overun by crack and cocaine