
Behind the Bahamas

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


  • Jan 1, 1492

    Lucayan Indians & Christopher Columbus

    Lucayan Indians & Christopher Columbus
    The Lucayan Indians had controlled most of the land for a long time before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. On this day when he arrived on San Salvador, the Indians quickly became extinct due to the Spanish Conquistadors
  • Aye Aye Captian!

    Aye Aye Captian!
    In Nassau the islands waters were curently ruled by pirates! Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, was the commander of this crooked crew.
  • Bye Bye Captain

    Bye Bye Captain
    Royal Govenor, Woods Rogers, offered a pardon to the pirates so that they may stop terrorizing citizens.
  • Newcommers!

    American Loyalist maigrated to the Islands and brought Slaves with them to star a plantations off of cotton
  • Freetown

    On this day a town was named freetown because it was the first village to have free slaves. now it is a cemetary and some rubble
  • Ecomomic BOOM

    Ecomomic BOOM
    In the west end of the Bahamas, major shipping and trade ties between the Bahamas and the US grew strong. this was caused because of the American Civil War. the economy prospered greatly off the profits that were being made.
  • The Royal Bank of Canada

    The Royal Bank of Canada
    The Royal Bank of Canada opens its first branch on Bay Street, marking the coming of foreign financial centers to The Bahamas,
  • Electricfied!

    Electricity was finally an option in the Bahamas. although it was very weak and cut off at 1 am every day
  • Rum and Gin!

    Rum and Gin!
    the Prohibition of Achohol in the US , created an economic boom for the Bahamian people.
  • Labor Union

    Labor Union
    First Labor Union is Formed
  • The Peoples Penny Saving Bank

    The Peoples Penny Saving Bank
    the first Black - owned bank opens in Grants town. Owner Leon Mckinnley, had a rule than any man, woman, or child was able to open account even if it was just with 1 cent . soon company was liquidated in 1980s
  • The Bahamian National Trust

    The Bahamian National Trust
    Created to protect the enviorment
  • Eduacation and Insurance

    Eduacation and Insurance
    The Bahamaian College is established as well as the National Insurance