The Founding of Rome Prt: 1
A long time ago, there was a King who wanted to stay king for ever! He made a law that their could be no male heirs. A princess had to twin boys named Romulus and Remus. Sine the king wanted no boys to rule over him she save them and her own life, she put them in a basket in the Tiber River and sent them away. They were then found by a she-wolf who raised them and cared for them. A Shepard came by and killed the she-wolf and took the boys. He raised the boys as his own. -
The Founding of Rome Prt: 2
They were then found by a she-wolf who raised them and cared for them. A Shepard came by and killed the she-wolf and took the boys. He raised the boys as his own. When Romulus and Remus grew up, they had a huge fight, and Romulus killed Remus. -
Etruscans Prt: 1
In about 800 BC the Etruscans settled in Etruria. Many historians believe they are from Asia Minor. The Etruscans were pirates and knew the waters well. Because of there kowledge towards the sea they were known as the “people of the sea”. In fact, the were Italy's first civilized people. The Etruscans mined and unveiled metals and jewels. They used the metals to make different types of tools used for farming. -
Etruscans Prt: 2
They also made jewelry that they traded for other goods they needed. The Etruscans had a very strong army. This was for their secret weapon their shoes. They were made to climb and run on the sloping hills. They were also very cultural people. They were really religious so they built many temples for the many gods which the glorified. -
Etruscans Prt: 3
They were polytheistic, and they thought that each god ruled their own specific province. The Etruscans loved music! And they loved having many festivals and gatherings that included music. They were very happy people. Plus the Etruscans had a strong sense of social order -
Etruscans Prt: 4
Most of the things historians learned about the Etruscans is from the catacombs. That is where they buried nobles. They believed that after death you enter into the after-life so they put all of their belongings in with them. At the funeral, they had a banquet where two slaves would fight to their death. They said when one died they would join the dead noble in the catacombs as his servant. -
Romans and Etruscans Prt: 1
Tarquinius was the first Etruscan emperor, his dynasty lastedover than 100 years, which was by force and cleverness. The Etruscans tought the Romans everything they did. And Rome there for was the greatest city in Europe (at that time) because of the Etruscans. -
Romans and Etruscans Prt: 2
They taught the Romans how to use weapons especially arches . They taught them how to build ships. They taught them the Greek alphabet which was then modified and turned into the Roman alphabet. The Romans learned about gladiators thanks to the Etruscans which was their main entertainment . But the one thing which is still used today all over are the sewers, this showed they were advanced in civilization.