
Before the Civil War: An Uneven Nation

By ryanb11
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    Before the Civil War: An Uneven Nation

    This nation is uneven because the North and the South were both divided. There were many splits between the middle of the North and South were settled. The Northern states were free states, and the Southern states were slave states. Both of these nations tried hard to find new states to join their union. They had many Compromises, Acts, and Amendments during this time. Eventually the South got the state Missouri and the North got the state Maine. They were both fair with this decision.
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    The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was an agreement that sentenced that Missouri would be a slave state, and Maine would be a free state. Both regions were happy, the North got Maine as a free state and the South got Missouri as a slave state. During this Compromise, Congress drew an imaginary line across the Louisiana Purchase at latitude 36, 30'. North of the line, all slavery was banned. South of this line, all slavery was permitted.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was created by a senator of Kentucky, named Henry Clay. This Compromise began by making California a free state. It also ended slave trade in Washington D.C. Congress debated this Compromise for nine straight months. These months were very frustrating for them. In September 1850, Congress finally passed adopted Henry Clay's plan. Northerners were happy, but the South had few doubts.
  • The Kansas- Nebraska Act

    The Kansas- Nebraska Act
    The Kansas- Nebraska Act created two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. This Act was created by Senator Stephen A. Douglas. The North was worried that slavery would be allowed in there territory. After this Act was passed, Southerners were more peaceful. Some settlers moved to Kansas to oppose or go for slavery. In the North, abolitionists raised money to pay for weapons to give to antislavery settlers. The events led to the war when Douglas wanted to make Kansas a slave state, he was beaten.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    A man named Dred Scott was traveling with his owner to Wisconsin. Slavery in Wisconsin was banned due to the Missouri Compromise. When he was in court he was fighting for his freedom. He wanted be a free slave because they moved to a different state in which slavery was banned. Nine justices of the Supreme Court were deciding on this case. On March 6, 1857 the chief justice Taney announced that Dred Scott could not fight for his freedom because he was not a citizen of Wisconsin. South was happy.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Election of 1860 was between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. The North nominated Stephen Douglas to be president, and the South nominated Abraham Lincoln to be president. Lincoln eventually won, but it was a odd victory. The South no longer had the power to shape national events or policies. The South feared that Congress would abolish slavery in the South.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    On April 12, 1861, one of the bloodiest battles was forming. This battle was called the Battle on Fort Sumter. This battle began from the election of 1860 between Lincoln and Douglas. During this 33 hour battle, thankfully nobody was killed. This battle made U.S. History.