Birth of An Addict
This is the day Nic Sheff came into the world, changing David’s life forever. Vicki and David have been preparing for months. Such as, building a nursery, buying millions of toys, books, strollers etc. Nic was due in July but ended up being born on July 20th of 1982. The picture I chose represents how Nic is being brought in the world and it foreshadows the torturous addiction. -
Dividing Homes
On August 5th 1986, David and Vicki Sheff divorced. Divorce was very unusual during this time period of the groovy 80’s. Nic had to deal with extremely difficult hardships that know kid at this age should ever have to deal with. Vicki ended up moving to far away, Los Angeles. So Nic had to travel back in forth often. Nic never felt truly grounded to a home do to the split custody. My picture represents the love in each home is still there but it is separate and not connected. -
Welcome to Kindergarden
In August of 1987, Nic joined a progressive San Diego School as a kindergartener. At 5 years old, Nic showed many creative talents such as art and painting. Nic was a normal yet peculiar kid. He dressed in very unusual self-expressive wardrobes. Such as batman clothing mixed with superman clothes with black boots, capes, masks etc. Nic was a very social and bright kid showing great potential for a confident successful adult. The picture I chose is just a warm welcoming to the good old days. -
Nic's New Mommy, KB
After two glorious magnificent years of dating David Sheff and Karen Barbour decide to elope. In May of 1990, David Sheff marries Karen Barbour. Nic is truly ecstatic with this change. He loves Karen “KB” very much and has even told his dad that he loves her. Nic thinks of Karen as a second mom. Nic is now feeling what it is like to be in a complete home. The picture I chose just represents marriage and the mutual love of spouses. -
Nic is Welcomed to Inverness
In early August of 1993, the Sheff’s decide to move to Inverness, California. Karen and David thought it would be a great suburban life style for their family. They felt it would be a great location to raise a family. Ironically they thought it would be a cleaner less drug-convoluted area. They ended up raising their entire family their in this beautiful surf location called Inverness. -
Lake Tahoe's Sober Vacation
Before the birth of beautiful jasper, the family took a quick get away to glorious Lake Tahoe for a ski trip. Karen, Nic, David and Nic’s friend Phillip stayed in the families cabin. Phillip and Nic decided to make an idiotic decision of getting drunk. They mixed many different types of alcohol. Such as, rum, tequila, scotch, bourbon, whiskey and vermouth. David and Karen woke to noises of puking but ironically thought it was just food poisoning or the flu. The picture I chose was a representat -
Pathway to Misery
On March of 1995, Nic was caught with marijuana in his backpack. David was packing a bag for Nic’s sleepover when he discovered Marijuana in his backpack. David and Karen confront the boys and they innocently say they just wanted to try it.Nic did not end up going to the sleepover because he became grounded for 2 weeks. This event is the intersection to a whole new world of drugs. The picture I chose is a treterous long road with no U-turns and will lead to other roads; metaphorically addiction. -
Nic Goes to HIGHschool, Pun Intended
In September of 1996, Nick was conspired to buy marijuana at his high school. Nic was brought to the principal for a meeting with his parents. The principal granted a second chance only if he attended drug and alcohol counseling. This is a turning point in the novel, David feels deceived and hurt that his own son lied and is still on drugs. This event shows that Nic has not stopped and he is slowly feeding his addiction. -
Nic Gets Aressted
- After failing to appear at his court date Nic was arrested in June of 1999. Nic’s court date was on the charges of marijuana possession. Nic was arrested in front of David and Jasper. David being the loving father he was bailed him out. Nic is still driving down the road of misery. David ironically feels the arrest will teach him the difference between wrong and right.
Nic goes to Berkley
Nic has decided to attend the prestigious University of Southern California at Berkeley. Nic’s family all drives down there to help him set up for college. This is a huge step for Nic, getting his life together. Nic loves his painting course. But soon after he starts to complain about school and stops calling David regularly. Nic’s roommate calls David and says something is wrong Nic has not showed up at the dorm for a couple days. -
Nick Tries Meth
Methamphetamine, America’s killer. Nic decided to come home saying a small liberal arts college would be much more helpful than Berkeley. Nic returns to Inverness and lives with his family. Nic agrees to his family rules. Soon enough, Nic misses his curfew and he ends up going missing for 4 days. David finds Nic on the streets and says he has to go to rehab. Nic agrees. This is a big step for Nic to admit he needs help. -
Nic goes to rehab
Nic is forced to go to a lovely rehab facility in Oakland. Once they got there, the rehab center said they were no help and they should go elsewhere. Ohloff Recovery center in San Francisco is Nic’s next stop on the road to recovery. Nic is put in their 28-day program but soon enough Nic calls David and begs to go home. This is a huge step for Nic to finally go to rehab and get the help he so desperately needed. -
Nic's Almost Fatal Overdose
In November of 2001, Nic officially hits rock bottom. Nic almost died from overdosing on a couple different drugs. He was put in critical addiction and life support after going unconscious. This is a turning point in Nic’s judgment. Nic finally finds the U-Turn on the road of addiction. After running away and using Nic decides to go to rehab. -
Herbert House
- In February of 2003 Nic is admitted into the glorious Herbert Home in Culver City. Nic goes here after Hazelden shuts down. Nic makes many friends and even gains inspiration from a friend named Randy. Nic gets a job at promises and is truly turning his life around. Nic seems to really like it there.
Nic's Latest Relapse
- After being sober for 18 months, Nic relapses. David finds out from Nic that he relapsed and used speedballs and meth with his girlfriend Z for 3 days. David says he needs help but Nic will not respond to his accusation. Eventually Nic gets the help he needs and he is sober today. Nic found that U-turn and drove right out of the road to misery.