Period: to
hyacinth gives birth
Hyacinth gives birth to 10 naked babies -
The why questions.
Flora is the unique mouse of 10, and has a lot of why questions in the kindergarten classroom -
Beginning to read
Flora learns how to say mouse, and starts to learn how to read -
Time to be stealthy
Flora sneaks out of her hole, and goes to read one of the children's reading books like Batman -
I have learnt how to flip a page
Flora remarkably learns how to flip a page -
There was mouse poo on the teachers desk
there was mouse poo on the teachers desk!!! -
the teacher called exterimanator to fix the mouse problem
the exterminator came and put poisen pellets to kill the mice
since flora knew how to read she read the bag that said poisen and had to warn others
it was too late the other mice were already eating it!! At least she saved her parents
moving up with knowlage
Flora had learned everything in kindergarten that she could, so she moved up a grade. -
family move
Flora stayed behind when her family dicided to move to safety. -
staff meeting
The headmistress calls a meeting in honor of no more school mice....or are there. -
Lost tails
Ragged Robin lost his tail in a very short but bloody fight to an owl. EWWWWWW!!!! -
He's alive1!!!!!!!
Ragged Robin, thankfully is still alive. -
Robin survived but Labernum didn't
They lost everybody excempt Flora and Love-a-Mist
they lived in a tractor and got frightened
the mouse heard the bunny. don-don-donnnnnnnnnnn.
The mouse heard the bunny. don-don-donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. -
the tractor frightened them
flora felt bad for Buck because he got bitten
the tractor is like a red monster for the mice
Robin goes back to the school
Robin gets ambushed by Buck
They learn more about each other
Flora reads rodent and knows why the exterminator used Musmors
Lovely says that Flora is lucky
Flora teaches her family how to read
Flora is very proud that everyone is learning
Lovely disapears