Year: 1765
The Stamp Act of 1765 which was a document that stated that the American Colonists must be taxed internally. But Americans thought it was very wrong to tax them. This led to many issues of taxation and eventually colonists argued back at the British that taxation without representation was very wrong and led to outbreak. But this is why the Stamp act made a huge impact to history. -
Year: 1769
1769 Was the collapse of the Pontiac tribes and was taken out by the French who overruled them. As well as the Burgess of Virginia in which passed regulations for the British siege over Boston. This was the year that British had complete power over Virginia and Massachusetts legislatures. -
Year: 1774 (and prior events)
Years prior to 1773 in 1769-70 there was many forced colonists to riot and protest. This then led to some soldiers of the British military to fire upon there general killing many colonists and civilians too. Most famously Cyprus Attucks. But then to the major event of 1773 which is led by these events prior was the dumping of Bostons tea. And in 1773. Groups of colony parties then dumped British tea This raged the British and along with other conflicts before they went to war later due to this -
Year: 1776
Obviously we all know what happened in this year. War really broke out even more and all the sudden the British lost strength. Unexpectedly the Americans sent a sneak attack and gained advantage in the war, at least for the time being and On July 4th 1776 the greatest day in American history and gave us our freedoms. America wrote the bill of rights and the Us Constitution. -
Year: 1781
This was the year were the American Colonists were strongest and were looking to take over Britain's territory. The battle of Yorktown and the Shot Heard Round' The World took place in Lexington. And the most impactful event was the Articles of Confederation -
Year: 1783
The final stage of war. The colonists took over then British territories and by this time it was over. It was in Paris of this same year they signed the 'Treaty Of Paris'. This was so impactful because the colonists gained there freedom from taxes and imports that were unnecessary. They gained the lower stains Spain had gotten and full control of the eastern US. This was a major war won and year fro the Americans. One of the most important years for the Americans. -
Year: 1786
In the year 1786 came the events of Shay's rebellion, in which starred what is now modern protest and showed that Daniel Shay a well known war veteran from previous fights, led the citizens in a counter protest showing that were receiving little pay. from there labor, and as well as trying to prevent Them As Free People to pay of absurd amounts of debt & taxes to there horribly wrong government. They sate they were treated like lowest class. Some were unemployed. Despised how they were treated. -
Year: 1789
The first ever presidential election. George Washington was elected in this year and put in office in 1790. As well as the fighting, and riots in Washington eventually burning buildings, and taking down the old White House.