
Beagles Voyage TimeLine

By d1nino
  • Aboard the Eagle!

    Aboard the Eagle!
    In 1831, Charles Darwin joined Captain Fitzroy on the HMS Beagle for a trip around the world
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Cape Verde Islands
    Charles Darwin was excited and intrigued by his first observations at the Cape Verde Islands, he even though of writing a book on geography instead.
  • Darwin discovers interesting fossils

    Darwin discovers interesting fossils
    Charles Darwin discovers interesting fossils that would have belonged to creatures with big demensions
  • Falkand Islands

    Falkand Islands
    Charles Darwin came along the desolate and lonely island, it does not look like anything special until he finds some old looking rocks and decides to break open only to discover that they were Brachiopod fossils.

    Charles Darwin watched Mount Osomo erupt while on the island of Chiloe, He then experienced a earthquake in the woods near Valdivia so powerful it rose the ocean floor 9 feet or 2.7 meters, It had such an effect that he stated it had done more damage than 100 years of regular wear and tear
  • Galapagos Island

    Galapagos Island
    The most famous part of Darwin's is the Galapagos islands, It helped build his scientific theory of evolution, He wrote books and took animals and samples from the island, he talked about how on each island there is a different type of finch or pigeons, or the water iguanas and how they are good and water, how big the giant tortoises are, The plant life, etc.