beagles voyage

  • 1831

    Charles darwin joined captain FitzRoy on the HMS beagle.
  • 1832

    Darwin made his first observations
  • 1832

    The ship crossed the equator
  • 1832

    Darwin explores Brazilian rainforests for the first time
  • 1833

    Darwin discovers fossils at Falkland islands
  • 1833

    Darwin explores Pampas
  • 1835

    Darwin sees Mount Osorno erupt while on island of Chiloe
  • 1835

    Darwin finds species plants birds and tortoises unique to the Galapogos islands but related to mainland species
  • 1836

    The voyage was over
  • 1836

    Darwin arrives in Australia
  • 1836

    Darwin studies coral reefs around islands to test his theory of atoll formation
  • 1836

    Darwin observes a field of black lava with coarse grass and bushes
  • 1836

    The Beagle makes an unscheduled detour to make measurements