Beagle Voyage

  • Embark

    Captain's assistant Charles Darwin sets sail on the HMS Beagle from Plymouth, England.
  • Cabo Verde Encounter

    Darwin is inspired to consider writing a book about geology from the geological oddities he encounters in the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Soon after passing the equator, Darwin addresses that the Beagle was nearly capsized in rough waters
  • South American Contact

    After reaching Salvador, Brazil, Darwin and his crew record their observations when exploring the beautifully mysterious Brazilian tropical rainforest.
  • Argentinean Encounter

    Darwin discovers and studies giant animal fossils in northern Argentina
  • Tierra del Fuego

    The HMS Beagle's Captain FitzRoy tries to spread religion to the natives of southern Argentina, but fails.
  • Falkland Islands

    Darwin is encouraged by the discovery of branchiopod fossils in the Falkland Islands.
  • Pampas

    Darwin and locals of the Argentinean Lowlands explore the Pampas region of Argentina
  • Period: to

    Chiloe Island

    Darwin and his crew are overawed by the eruption of volcanic mountain Peak Osmo on Chiloe Island of Chile, and records the effects he's witnessed the earthquake from the eruption's aftermath has on the island's decrease in area and stability.
  • Period: to

    Galapagos Islands

    Darwin becomes enthralled by the compelling biological oddities he discovers on the Galapagos Islands, including its tortoises and iguanas; he and his crew spend 2 months observing and recording findings from their explorations on the islands.
  • Sydney, AUS

    Darwin records strange discoveries in southeastern Australia, including the presence of unique mammals. He is fascinated by marsupials' prominence and frequency on the island.
  • Keeling Islands

    Darwin and his crew record and qualitatively study the presence and characteristics of coral reefs off the coast of the Cocos, or Keeling, Islands.
  • Mauritius

    Darwin finds and studies black lava reminisce on the north coast of the east African island nation of Mauritius
  • Cape Town, South Africa

    Darwin discovers and studies the presently famous sandstone natural structure Table Mountain during his time exploring the southern tip of the African continent.
  • Brazilian Return

    On the way back to England, Darwin becomes seasick before he can sufficiently study and explore the rainforests of northeastern Brazil, much to his dismay.
  • Return Home

    Darwin returns to his home in Falmouth, England, ecstatic with new information to study and share.