Beagle Voyage

By Sabree'
  • Plymouth, England

    Plymouth, England
    This is the beginning of the voyage. Darwin began having doubts and changes in his mind about the voyage due to the immediate feeling of being seasick. He traveled with seventy-three men in a moderate wind and slightly raining condition.
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Cape Verde Islands
    Darwin came here to study ruins. He was accompanied by two officers.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Crossing the Equator
    Although Darwin was anxious about crossing, it was very exciting. It was the first time in his life, Darwin crossed the equator into the southern hemisphere. He was worried, but when he crossed he was honored.
  • Salvador, Brazil

    Salvador, Brazil
    Charles some days exploring the tropical rain forests on long walks. Here he was focused primarily on nature. He described the scene as beautiful beyond his wildest dreams.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Punta Alta, Argentina
    Darwin's main focus was fossils because here it was a burial ground full of the remains of gigantic animals belonging to extinct families. He discovered huge fossilized bones, including the remains of Megatherium, Megalonyx, Scelidotherium and Mylodon.
  • Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
    Darwin and the crew experienced violent storms, different people (fuegians), and so on.
  • Falkland Islands

    Falkland Islands
    This stop was focused on fossil collecting. Darwin studied how the fossils he found were so different from the ones he found on the coast of South America. Therefore, he compared all his data for further studies (all plants, animals, fossils, etc. collected).
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Rio Negro, Argentina
    At the farm Darwin was shown the head of a large animal and he bought it for 18 pence, but Darwin was unable to identify what species it belonged to. He also found the fossilized shell of an gigantic armadillo nearby.
  • Chiloe Island, Chile

    Chiloe Island, Chile
    (January-February). Darwin came here to so some geology, but it was a disappointment. He described the island as being covered with evergreen forests, subject to much rain and heavy winds, and populated by Indians who lived a very poor and sparse lifestyle.
  • Galapagos Islands

    Galapagos Islands
    (September-October). Darwin's main focus here was to look out for land. However, he quickly became fascinated with the islands' layout, unique environment, unique organisms, and so on.
  • Sydney, Austrailia

    Sydney, Austrailia
    Although the city was filled with thieves, stolen items, and more. Darwin was intrigued by the richness of the city-the nice houses, the clean streets, and more. It was here he noticed different creatures like the odd looking platypus.
  • Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands)

    Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands)
    These islands are composed entirely of coral and Darwin surmised that they were once part of a large submerged coral reef. He managed to collect a few small birds, one species of lizard, several species of insects and a bunch of coral. He also theorized that plant seeds must have migrated across the oceans to these islands.
  • Mauritius

    Darwin described Mauritius as having such beautiful scenery like it's valleys, mountains, volcanoes etc. He noticed here that the emancipated slaves were extremely poor.
  • Cape Town, South Africa

    Cape Town, South Africa
    Here, many conversations was made about volcanoes, earthquakes, the movement of continents, the origin of mankind and how new species came into being.
  • Bahia and Pernambuco, South America

    Bahia and Pernambuco, South America
    Here, Darwin took many walks in the tropical forests.
  • Falmouth, England

    Falmouth, England
    Darwin immediately went home to his family. There was delight from everyone. They celebrated and celebrated, some even got drunk for his return.