Beagle Voyage

  • Boarding the HMS Beagle 1831

    Charles Darwin came along on the Beagle Voyage with Captain FitzRoy to be on a 5 year voyage.
  • Darwin's Book

    Was the first time Darwin thought about creating a book
  • A Tropical Rainforest

    Darwin lands in Brazil and is the first time Darwin embarks a Tropical Rainforest and notices the diversity in vegetation.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Darwin finds giant fossils
  • Falkland Islands

    Darwin finds fossils in some rocks which are branchiopods, two-shelled animals which were the most abundant organisms on Earth.
  • First Earthquake

    Darwin experiences his first earthquake at Chiloe Island, Chile coming to an observation that earthquakes over 100 years made the island smaller.
  • Galapagos Islands

    Darwin is fascinated by all the plants and species. He notices the Marine Iguana, the only iguana that swims and feeds on the ocean.
  • Sydney, Australia

    Darwin is flabbergasted about the marsupials and how the mammals in Australia are a different type of mammals
  • Back Home

    Darwin returns and is home from a long voyage.