Embarked the Beagle Voyage
Charles Darwin embarks the HMS Beagle as the captain's assistant. -
Cape Verde Islands
Darwin is exhilerated by his first observations. -
Crossing Equator/ Salvador, Brazil
Darwin crossed the equator. He was blindfolded by the constable and shaved. He explored the rainforests of Salvador. -
Punta Alta, Argentina
Darwin is intrigued by the giant fossils he sees. -
Faulkland Islands
Near South America. Faulkland Islands. Darwin finds it to be barren and windswept, desolate and wretched, but is happy when he finds fossils. -
Rio Negro Aregentina
Darwin explores the fertile lowland areas. -
Period: to
Chiloe' Island, Chile
Darwin sees Mt. Osomo erupt and also experienced an earthquake. -
Period: to
Galapagos Islands
Darwin finds species of plants, birds, and tortises. -
Sydney, Austrailia
Darwin wonders why there is a completely differrent set of mammals in Australia. -
Cocos Islands
He finds coral plants -
Plain is uncultivated and there is black lava in a field. -
Cape Town, South Africa
Bahia and Pernambuco, South America
Darwin discovers many creatures. -
Falmouth, England
Reached home.