Beagle's Voyage

  • Charles Darwin embarks on voyage

    Charles Darwin, assigned as the ship captain's assistant, embarks the HMS Beagle voyage.
  • Darwin is delighted upon his first observations

    Darwin comes face to face with his first observation and it makes him very excited. Writing a book on the geology of the various countries he visited came to his mind.
  • Crossing the equator

    Darwin and his crew undergo crossing the equator. He explains that it was not easy, as sea water splashed all over the boat.
  • Darwin explores Brazillian rainforests

    Darwin stops off into Brazilian rain forests and is astonished with what he sees. He explains that he cant grasp what exact thing it is that amazes him, but it is a sight to see.
  • Darwin is amazed with fossil discoveries

    Darwin finds giant fossils and is very intrigued. He expresses that the animals behind the fossils must of been big. He makes a observation that some of the fossils are just newly formed.
  • Captian Robert FitzRoy repatriates three native people

    The three native people, previously brought to England on another voyage, are repatriated by Captain Robert FitzRoy. With attempts to begin a Christian mission, he fails tremendously.
  • Darwin finds the Falkland Islands

    Darwin discovers Falkland Islands and describes them as desolate and wretched. He finds some interesting looking rocks to discover intriguing fossils that belonged to brachiopods.
  • Darwin explores Pampas

    With the local people (gauchos), Darwin explores the fertile lowland areas. He observes the independence of the gaucho life.
  • Darwin observes Mouth Osomo erupt

    While on the island of Chiloé, he watches Mount Osomo erupt while experiencing an earthquake in the woods near Valdivia. Seeing the resulting image of the earthquake truly affected him.
  • Darwin finds many species on the Galapagos Islands

    Darwin discovers many species of plants and animals living on the island, and notices they seem very related to the species on the mainland. He is very fascinated by his discoveries and observes the species furthermore.
  • Darwin arrived to Sydney Cove

    Darwin immediately congratulates himself that he was born an Englishman. He is intrigued with how different the mammals are in Australia.
  • Darwin studies coral reefs

    To test his theory of atoll formation, Darwin studies the coral reefs growing around the islands.
  • Darwin takes a walk along the sea coast

    Darwin discovers a plain of black lava smoothed over with coarse grass and bushes within the plain on a walk along the sea coast north of the town.
  • Darwin makes observations about Cape Town

    The first object that intrigues him is the number of bullock wagons. He also notices the Table Mountain. The Table Mountain has a height of 3,500 feet.
  • Darwin discovers creatures in the jungles og South America

    Darwin is amazing with the many creatures he sees in the jungles of South America. He begins to feel homesick and seasick and is dismayed when the ship makes an unplanned detour for longitude measures.
  • Charles Darwin reaches home

    Darwin explains his head is confused, but with delight. Carrying 74 people and 22 clocks, the Beagle ship was only 27m long.