Beagle's Voyage

  • April 1822

    Darwin died at his home, Down House, Kent
  • June 1831

    Darwin graduated from Cambridge
  • 1831 December 27 Tuesday

    After a few delays, H.M.S. Beagle headed out from Plymouth with a crew of 73 under clear skies and a good wind. Darwin became sea-sick almost immediately.
  • April–June 1832

    Darwin explores the area around Botofogo, in particular the Corcovado mountains
  • January 16, 1832

    The Beagle's first landfall at St Jago, Cape Verde Islands
  • February 28, 1832

    The Beagle reached South America
  • 16 December 1832 – 26 February 1833

    First visit to Tierra del Fuego
  • 1 March – 6 April 1833

    First visit to East Falkland Island
  • August–October 1833

    Rio Negro; Darwin goes overland to Bahia Blanca and Buenos Aires; then from Santa Fe to Monte Video
  • April – May 1834

    FitzRoy led an inland expedition along the Santa Cruz river while the Beagle was repaired
  • June 1834

    The Beagle rounded Cape Horn and reached the west coast of South America
  • June - December 1834

    The Beagle surveyed the island of Chiloé and the Chonos archipelago of southern Chile
  • January–September 1835

    Darwin mounted inland expeditions across the Andes, Peru
  • September 15,1835

    The Beagle dropped anchor off the Galápagos
  • October 2, 1836

    The Beagle arrived in Falmouth
  • 1842

    Coral Reefs published; Darwin moved to Down House in Kent
  • 1859

    On the Origin of Species published
  • May 1870

    The Beagle is sold, probably for scrap
  • 1877

    The University of Cambridge awarded Charles Darwin an honorary doctorate