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Beagle's Voyage

  • Plymouth, England

    The 22 year old Charles Darwin starts his voyage on this day as an assistant with Captain Robert FitzRoy.
  • Cape Verdes island

    Darwin was very elated on his first observations. On this day he found his love for geology and he also explored a volcanic island.
  • Brazil

    Darwin explores the Brazilian rainforest.
  • Crossing the equator

    Darwin and his Captain crossed the equator on this date and they faced a lot of challenges goin throughout this journey thus far.
  • Fossils in Argentina

    Darwin discovers fossils in Punta Alta, Argentina.
  • Tierra del Fuego

    One of the goals on this voyage was to inaugurate a Christian Mission. FitzRoy seeked to spread Christianity but sadly he failed. FitzRoy also sent back 3 natives that he brought from London on his voyage.
  • Falkland Islands

    Darwin founded the windswept, Falkland Islands. On this day, he finds some abundant rocks and turns out to be fossils. He cracks them open and learns that the island is filled with brachiopods.( 2 shelled animals )
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Throughout his voyage, on this day he go across the lowland areas(pampas) with local people called "gauchos"
  • Chile

    Charles sees mount osorno erupt and then he experiences and earthquake which the aftermath did effect him badly
  • Galapagos Island

    Darwin finds unique birds, tortoise, and plants on this mysterious island. Turns out he liked the tortoise and was very fascinated .
  • Australia

    Darwin came here and wondered why there's a completely different set of mammals in Australia. He finds other species as well.
  • Cocos island

    Charles studied coral reefs and wanted to test his theory of atolls formation.
  • Maturitius

    Charles observes lots of things on this day. He observes that the plains are uncultivated and a field consisting black lava. Which was the greater part of mimosas
  • South Africa

    In Cape Town, South Africa, Charles is amused of what he observes. He observed the mountains that stood at such great height known as the "Table Mountains"
  • South America

    Darwin discovers much more on his voyage. He observed many incredible creatures. In fact, there was a little detour on his route of him being sick, so he made additional longitudinal measurements
  • Home!!!

    Charles Darwin made it back to his home after a long, beautiful, adventurous voyage.