
Beagle's Voyage

By divyap
  • Plymouth, England

    Charles Darwin boarded the HMS Beagle on the trip to South America and map its coastline.
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    Cape Verde Islands

    As he starts to observe interesting things on his journey, Darwin came to a decision of writing a book, which later became known as "The Voyage of the Beagle".
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    Crossing the equator

    As the ship crossed into the Southern Hemisphere, Darwin honored and participated in the "line-crossing ceremony". He was shaved, baptized, soaked in water, as well as smeared in paint and tar. This was a tradition for anyone who crossed the equator, and it was known that the practice was so dangerous that past members had died from it.
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    Salvador, Brazil

    Darwin visited the Brazilian rain forest for the first time. He's shocked by the great diversity that he observes throughout all of the plants and animals.
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    Punta Alta, Argentina

    Darwin observed the large size of some of the fossils and made him inclined to study it further.
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    Falkland Islands

    Darwin became more intrigued by the fossils when he cracked open many rocks. He found many petrified remains of the most abundant organisms at the time.
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    Rio Negro, Argentina

    Darwin explored and found out that a group of humans named the "gauchos" were living there. He also started to realize that some animals resembled extinct animals from the past. This made him question if they were modified descendants.
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    Chiloe Island, Chile

    Darwin experienced being in an earthquake that lasted for two minutes before dying down. While feeling the ground below him move, he suggested that the continents and oceans had changed dramatically over time and continues to change in dramatic ways.
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    Galapagos Islands

    Darwin's most important observations were made here, throughout the 16 small islands that made this place up. He noticed that on each island, every animal of a species had different traits. For example, he saw that the mockingbirds in each area had a different sized beak, making them suitable for the environment and food to survive.
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    Sydney, Australia

    Arriving at the continent, Darwin was proud of himself for getting this far despite his journey not being over. However, he did notice that the mammals were completely different from what he's seen so far.
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    Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands)

    While making a stop at Cocos Islands, Darwin studied the atoll formation of the coral reefs there, remarking that they were one of the most wonderful objects in the world.
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    In this part of the region, Darwin observed that the landscape was made of dried black lava with plants growing over it. Other than that, the area was not very cultivated.
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    Cape Town, South Africa

    Darwin makes a stop at Cape Town, noting the Table Mountain that caught his eye. He also mentions that here he found a large number of bullock wagons.
  • Falmouth, England

    Charles Darwin finally arrived home late at night, but continued to study his observations. He later wrote many other books, including "On the Orgin of Species".
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    Bahia and Pernambuco,South America

    Darwin discovers many interesting organisms here, although is disappointed when the Beagle takes an impromptu detour.