Safety first while studying abroad

BCT Group Assignment

  • Groups

    We were put into the groups of three, our group consists of Alenna, Isabella and myself.
  • First Group Meeting

    Our first group meeting was held and a few points were discussed such as; group leader. It was discussed and Alenna was delegated group leader, Alenna was pciked as group leader as she is a great leader and a great role model that I feel that she can help me also, topics were assigned to each other etc. Bella was away but we decided we would discuss anyway and decide with her in the next BCT lesson. Alenna was appointed topic (a), Bella was appointed topic (c) and I was appointed topic (b).
  • Group Assignment

    Today we got given the Group Assignment and were put into groups of three. I feel pleased with the group I was put into as I am friends with both Bella and Alenna, and we have both worked it groups before and been quite successfull, i feel that with our skill sets combined we can receive a great mark on our assignment.
  • Second Group meeting

    We discussed with Bella and made sure that she was okay with the decision Alenna and I had made.
  • Group

    We are working very well as a group and have been working at a steady pace to get this assignment completed, I feel that we will get a good draft completed on time.
  • Time Management

    Throughout the last few weeks I have been using a to do list and reminders to help me keep on track with what to do, This has become very useful and helpful and I have found that It has helped me to complete a better assignment.
  • Changing of Topics

    Bella discussed with me about changing topics, we came to a resolution that Bella was now doing topic (b) and I was to do topic (c)
  • Work Commenced

    Today I started work on my new topic which is now topic (c), within this lesson I started and discussed with Will G, he was also doing topic (c). Will told me that I should check out the Work Health and Safety regulations act 2011.
  • Group layout

    Alenna bought in a design that she had earlier created and showed us, we all agreed on this layout. In this lesson we each put our topics into the layout.