bbigest ten things in computer history

By xar83f
  • Magnetic recording is invented

    Magnetic recording is invented
    Magnetic recording is invented. Without the memory it would have taken longer to make the computer. Magnetic storedg is a way of reamembering data on a disk.
  • Z1 calculateing mechine

    Z1 calculateing mechine
    Konrad Zuse completes his Z1 calculateing mechine. The machine is like a computer, and most of the computers after it where based on the model of this one.
  • John Atanasoff

    John Atanasoff
    John Atanasoff starts to work on the Abc computer. This was one of the first computers. OUr technology might have been verry diferent if this computer had not proved thet somethings worked and others did not.
  • Z1 is introdused

    Z1 is introdused
    Zuse introduces his calculatio=ng machine. It is the first one to use te binary system. Witth out this the bianary system may never have been invented.
  • the government funds Mauchly and Eckert to make the ENIAC

    the government funds Mauchly and Eckert to make the ENIAC
    The two get funded to invent the calculater. If the governenmt had not funded theme they might not have been abel to invent it. Then other more advanced calculators after that one.
  • Z3 the first digital computer

    Z3 the first digital computer
    Zuse compleats the Z3, it is the first digital computer. It was the first digital computer, and so almost all of the digital computers after it where based on it.
  • M.I.T.

    Jay Forester makes the magnetic memory. know the computer had more memory then ever. It led to new developments in other forms of memory.
  • IBM introduces RAMAC,

    IBM introduces RAMAC,
    memory storedg,, the first storedg on a disck.
  • transistors

    computers start to use transistors rather than tubes. It creats a new generation of computer
  • Sony

    Sony speeks about the new compact disck.