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Bayside History Timeline Assignment

  • Fredrich Douglas writes his autobiograhy

    Fredrich writes an autobiography, very influental
  • Compromise of 1850

    This was multiple bills past making it easier for slave owners to retrieve slaves made California a free state and let Utah and New Mexico to decide if they are free or slave.
  • Fugitive Slave Act 1850

    This was part of the compromise of 1850 and allowed southern slave states to move into northern states and capture slaves. It also implemented penalties to people who helped slaves escape.
  • Dread Scott Decision 1854

    The Dred Scott case is a legal case in witch he sued his owner for freedom because they had been living in a free state for a while. He lost the case and the supreme court ruled in favor of his mater. Then the pro slavery officials sated that it was not conational for the government to make free states. The simple almost lost everybody there freedom.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act 1854

    The Kansas Nebraska act introduced the idea of popular sovereignty. This allowed territories to vote if they were a slave or free this led to lots of bloody violence, and bleeding Kansas.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1855

    Bleeding Kansas is a time period witch abolitionist and pro slavery people had fights and battles
  • Criddten Plan Proposed

    It was a plan proposed to keep the states together. The Missouri compromise line would be moved to the pacific.
  • Trench warfare begins

    Trench warfare begins
  • Scots Great Snake

    The Union Plan to defeat the Confederates
  • Lincoln Nominated 1860

    This is when Abraham Lincoln was first nominated to be the republican representative.
  • South Carolina Seceds

    South Carolina Secedes from the union in respons to Lincoln being nominated
  • Doritha Dix march on Wahington

    She led a march on Washington to allowed women to join the war as union nurses, She also help reform prison and helped with asylums
  • Attack on fort Sumpter

    South Carolina attacks fort sumpter and starts the civil war
  • Battle of Bullrun

    This was the first land battle of the civil war
  • African Americans are allowed to join the unionists in the civil war

    African Americans are allowed to join the unionists in the civil war, This was allowed by the Emancipation proclamation
  • Battle of Shiloh

  • Seven Days’ Battles

  • Battle of Antietam

  • Battle of Fredericksburg

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    This declared that all slaves should be free.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Radical reconstruction begins

  • Confederates Surrender

  • ratification of 13th amendment.

    Abolished the practice of slavery.
  • Andrew Johnson Begins recontruction

  • Abraham Lincoln Assassination

    This is when Abraham Lincoln was Assassinated.
  • Freemen's Borough established

    It was a black civil rights and welfare borough in the govment.
  • The Idea of the Klu Klux Klan changes

    It changes from a gentlemen club to a racist anti black club
  • ratification of the 14th amendment

    granted citizenship to all u.s born citizens.
  • General Grant is elected

  • ratification of 15th amendment

    allowed any race and religion to vote if they were a citizen.
  • First African Americans In congress

    seven African men were all the first ones in congress
  • Compromise of 1877

    This was an unwritten deal among the us congress that settled the 1876 election.