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Battletech Timeline

  • Ares convention, nukes are banned lol

    this is done to 'reduce lose of life'
  • First Battlemech

    First Battlemech
    The Mackie is introduced, inner sphere is about to turn into a shithole.
  • Jarnfolk appears as a nation.

    Jarnfolk appears as a nation.
    Oh great, a bunch of vikings nobody asked for have appeared somewhere in the deep periphery.
  • Star League is formed

    The whole inner sphere is ruled under one state. Quite impressive that someone was able to do it.
  • Star League collapses.

    Suprise suprise. Maybe trying to control 3000 solar systems isn't a so good of a idea.....
  • Succession war starts

    Big war
  • Kerensky and his homies leave

    The great houses start fighting again and this time with nukes. (Wait weren't they banned??) This results in a lot of technology being lost so no more double heat sinks for you.
  • Comstar Appears

    Our beloved Comstar appears in 2788. The totally not shady and suspicious hpg provider! (It is actually a religious organization according to
  • Late succession war and rediscovery of LosTech

    LosTech is the name of technology lost after Kerensky left. This includes several stuff like double heat sinks. Starting from 3020 some Tostech starts to appear and once again, the inner sphere is at war.
  • Clan Invasion.

    Some weirdos with advanced mechs, funny tattoos and who likes to scream weird words attack the inner sphere. It turns out that the clans was founded by Kerensky and his followers. And know they want to recreate the Star League again. We all know how it went..
  • The great houses unite for a few years to fend of the Clan Invasion.

  • Civil war starts

    Federated Commonwealth is plunged into war as Steiner followers fight against Davion followers. Civil War deserves it's own timeline.
  • Civil War ends.

    The war finally ends and a new nation by the name of word of Blake starts growing. (It's just a weirdass cult of people who dress like wizards.)
  • Jihad Begins

    Oh great those fucktards at word of blake starts a jihad and now the entire inner sphere is againt them. Great played dumbasses.
  • Republic Age

    Inner sphere is finally at peace. The Great houses reduce the size of their army and the civilians can finally live in peace forever!
  • Dark Age begins

    Nvm inner sphere is at war again for fuck sake just HAve peace. The Inner sphere becomes battle royale as nations militarize everything they have including industrial mechs and they beat the shit out of each other. Also the hpg are broken so you can't send a message to your shady mech dealer in periphery anymore:(
  • Comstar collapes

    Comstar noooooooo. I can't get scammed no more!
  • Iclan ear

    This is the newest era and is not unfinished. There is tons and tons of more events in between what i mentioned and the Battletech universe is always getting expanded on. I will update this timeline as time goes by.