Battles of WW2

By Axb0914
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    Battle of Britain

    This happened in the UK and it involved Britain and Germany. It was the first fight entirely by air forces.
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    Battle of Crete

    This occurred in Greece. It was between Greece, New Zealand and Britain and Australia.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Fought in Hawaii. It was between America and Japan. This helped create the United States to a world power.
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    This occurred in Russia. It was between Germany and Russia and it marked the end of Germanys advances into Eastern Europe and Russia.
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    Operation Torch

    It was fought in France. It included the United States, UK, France, Germany and Italy. It was to reduce pressure on Allied forces in Egypt and starting an invasion in Europe.
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    Monte Cassino

    This occurred in Italy. Italy Poland US and Germany fought. They effectively blocked the Allies route north to Rome and had to be taken
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    Battle of Anzio

    Germany and Italy fought. It led to the capture of Rome and the fall of Fascist Italy in World War II. This occurred in Anzio.
  • Normandy

    This occurred in France
    Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked Germany. This is often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history.
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    Battle of Belgium

    This occurred in Belgium. It was between Belgium and Germany. This was the last major Nazi offensive in WW2
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    Battle of Berlin

    This occurred in Germany and it was between Germany Soviet Union and Poland. It was the last major battle in Europe during WW2. This put an end to Hitler's rule and the surrender of the German army.