battles of the civil war

  • Secession of Virginia

    it happened in Richmond and it was to determine the session from the united states, who would govern during the state of emergency and they were looking for a new constitution for virgina. It was later voted down under the confederate regimin
  • Ft Sumter

    It was a bombardment Near Charleston Carolina. It was what started the Civil War. The confedracy demanded to surrender or face the attack.
  • Battle at Bull Run

    About 30,000 inexperinced union soliders ran toward the confederate capital. Lincon told a General to attack, the battle became a seesaw affair. The union gained an upper affair while the confederates held firm. The Confederate reinforcements arrived and it was a victory for the south. The troops began to panic and return to the capitol
  • Battle at Shiloh

    A month after the victories of shiloh at Fort Henery and Fort Donelson in March. Grant gathered his troops near a small Tenesse church named Shiloh, which was near the Missisipi boarder. They were then surprised by 6,000 confederate troops screaming which was a surprise to the union. By the afternoon the confederates were retreated. 100,000 troops were killed and in the end the confederate failed to hold.
  • Battle at Antietam

    Antietam was a creek. 26,000 casualties occured. The battle was a standoff and the south lost a quater of their men. It was an attempt made by Lee to invade the north. This battle was significant because it was a battle that would shape Americas Future.
  • Battle at Richmond

    After winter, McClellan got under way in the spring. He transported the army of Potomac turned to the confederate capital. After on their way to the capital Johnston was wounded and it was passed to Robert E Lee.
  • Emancipation of Proclamation

    Abraham Lincon made the national approach to the civil war. It was a spech given that was a fight to free slaves. In Washington the Reverend who was a free-born African American watched the capital’s receive the news of emancipation.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    It was a three day battle. It weakend the south that general lee would never posess to go after the north again. The Union lost 23,000 men killed or wounded. The Confederacy lost 28,000 were killed or wounded.
  • Gettysburg Address

    A ceremony was dedicated to the to the soilders on the Gettysburg cemetery. Abraham gave a 2 minute speech that "remade" america.
  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House. Lincon and his wife went to Ford's Theatre in Washington to see a comedy. On the third act a man silently opened the doors to the pres box and a pistol was raised hitting the back of his head.