Period: to
civil war
fort sumter
first shots fired here. the south won. -
first bull run
happened in manassas, virginia. the south won -
happened in Hampton roads, virginia. Ended in a draw -
battle of shiloh
happened in Hardin county, tennessee. the north won. -
Second battle of bull run
happened in manassas, Virginia. south won. -
happened in Washington county, Maryland. the north won -
battle of fredericksburg
happened in fredericksburg, Virginia. south won -
happened in spotsylvania county, virginia. south won -
happened in Warren county, Massachusetts. north won -
brandy station
happened in Culpeper, Virginia. south won -
happened in Adams county, Pennsylvania. north won -
Sherman's march to the sea
happened in Georgia. north won -
in appomattox, Virginia. north won. ending the war with a union victory. confederates surrendered