Battle of Somme

  • Battle of Somme Begins

    Battle of Somme Begins
    France and Britain attacked Germany near the River of Somme. On the first day Britain had 57, 470 casualties. France had about 2,000 casualties.
  • German General Resigns

    German General Resigns
    Germany's General Falkenhyan resigns after Germany is losing ground. He is replaced by General Hindenburg, who has a new plan to win.
  • Son of the British Prime Minister is Killed

    Son of the British Prime Minister is Killed
    37 year old Raymond Asquith, son of the current Prime Minister of Britain was shot in the chest and died when leading an attack on the German line.
  • First tanks appear on battlefield

    First tanks appear on battlefield
    The British advanced around 2,000 yards into German territory with tank support. The tanks that the British developed were run by an eight-man crew, had two side cannons and four machine guns. The main goal of the tanks was to advance into the German front lines by shooting the cannons and rolling over the German barbed wire.
  • British and French forces advance further

    British and French forces advance further
    The British and French forces advance by capturing some cities north of the Somme river. The British began to successfully use their tanks again, but rain prevented them from being very effective.
  • Hitler Sustains an Injury to His Leg

    Hitler Sustains an Injury to His Leg
    Adolf Hitler, a Bavarian Army corporal, was wounded in the leg while he was sleeping. He was wounded by a British shell that exploded outside the entrance of the his trenches dugout.
  • The German Air Force is formed

    The German Air Force is formed
    The germans began to launch ariel attacks against the French and British troops and multiple Air Force groups are formed on the German side.
  • JRR Tolkien Contracts Trench Fever

    JRR Tolkien Contracts Trench Fever
    The author of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings contracts trench fever and has to return to England.
  • Tanks become useless in the battle

    Tanks become useless in the battle
    The tanks start to become useless because of all the rain on the battlefields. The tanks would get stuck in the mud and start to sink into it. They would also start to break down.
  • British troops stage a surprise attack

    British troops stage a surprise attack and capture the towns of Beaumont Hamel and Beaucourt at the northern end of the Somme Front.
  • Battle of Somme Ends

    Battle of Somme Ends
    Douglas Haig calls a halt to the British advances. After 4 months, they have only succeeded to capture 6 miles in the Somme area. Thus ends the Battle of Somme.
  • Mass Casualties

    Mass Casualties
    The Battle of Somme is one of the bloodiest battles in history. It had over 146,000 casualties and over 200,000 injured.
  • Mass Casualties