Battle of Pearl Harbor

  • Minesweeper USS Condor sights a periscope

    Minesweeper USS Condor sights a periscope
    At 6:10 am the first wave of planes took off from Japanese aircraft carriers, approximately 200 miles north of Oahu.
  • Shots Fired

    At 6:45am the first shots fired by the USS Ward at a Japanese submarine. These were the first shots fire by the United States in World War II
  • Unidentified aircraft

    At 7:02AM, A radar station on Oahu spots unidentified aircraft heading towards Hawaii
  • Messaging across the state

    At 6:53am USS Ward radios Naby headquarters but the decoding process delays the message.
  • B-17 Bombers

    B-17 Bombers
    At 7:20am, Army lieutenant disregards this radar report because he believes it is a flight of U.S. B-17 bombers coming from California.
  • Japanese craft reaches Oahu

    At 7:40am, the first wave of Japanese aircraft reaches Oahu.
  • Orders attack on Pearl Harbor

    At 7:49am, the Japanese aerial commander orders the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • Shots fired at Japan

    At 8:17 AM the Destroyer USS Helm fires at and sinks Japanese submarine at the entrance harbor
  • Attack on peral harbor begins

    7:55 A.M the coordinated attack on Peral harbor begins
  • U.S. Ship explodes

    U.S. Ship explodes
    AT 8:10 A.M. the USS Arizona explodes
  • Pt.2 of Attack

    At 8:54 AM the second wave of attack begins
  • Japan returns home after attack

    At 10:00 AM Japanese planes head back to carriers and ultimately back to japan
  • U.S. ship explodes

    The USS Shaw explodes in the dry dock.