
  • Mar 6, 1500

    Ivan III Conquers Lithuania

  • Mar 6, 1505

    Ivan III Replaced by Basil II

  • Mar 6, 1532

    Basil II Conquers Tatar khanate of Kazan.

  • Mar 6, 1547

    Basil II Succeeded by His Son Ivan IV

  • Mar 6, 1550

    Ivan IV Reforms the Russian Army

  • Mar 6, 1556

    Ivan IV Conquers khanate of Astrakhan, Russia Expands to the Caspian Sea.

  • Period: Mar 6, 1556 to Mar 6, 1563

    Russia in War against Livonian Order and Tatar Khanates.

  • Period: Mar 6, 1565 to Mar 6, 1579

    Crimea and Siberia Fight Against Russia while Ivan IV terrorizes the populace.

  • Period: Mar 6, 1582 to

    Russia continues to fight Siberia and Tatar Khanates. Ivan IV's son Fodor takes command.

  • Russia finally defeats the Tatars. Boris Godunov takes command.

  • Godunov is killed in a coup. Basil IV takes command.

  • Poland invades and takes over Russia.

  • Civil war and rebellion ends. Russia has been devastated.

  • Ukraine rises up against Russia and Poland.

  • Period: to

    Religious civil war breaks out and Russia again delcares war on Poland.

  • Fyodor III takes charge and tries to return order to Russia.

  • Russia and Poland sign a peace treaty.

  • Russia and Turkey sign a peace treaty after years of border conflicts.

  • Period: to

    Sweden invades Russia and if eventually defeated.

  • Russia and Austria officially become allies.

  • Period: to

    Russia and Austria fight and win against France in the War of the Polish Secession.

  • Russia conquers Sweden.

  • Ekaterina II stages coup.

  • Period: to

    Russia invades, defeats, and steals land from Ottoman Empire.

  • Russia Annexes Crimea

  • The Ottomans and Sweden go to war against Russia and Austria

  • Russia defeats the Ottoman Empire and gains control of Southern Ukraine.

  • Russia conquers Poland and splits Poland's land between Russia and Prussia.

  • Russia and Prussia quell a revolt in Poland.

  • Russia sends troops to help push French forces out of Italy.

  • Russian forces pull out of Italy and retreat to Southern Germany.

  • Persia declares war on Russia.

  • Russia and Britain delcare war on the Ottoman Empire.

  • Russia invades Sweden and takes over Finland.

  • Russia defeats the Ottoman Empire and gains more land.

  • Napoleon invades Russia, but fails due to scorched earth tactics.

  • Persia surrenders to Russia.

  • Aristocratic army officers launch a failed revolution.

  • Russia goes to war with Persia over the territory of Georgia.

  • Russia, France, and Britain defeat Egypt.

  • Russia annexes Persian territory.

  • Russia again goes to war against the Ottomans.

  • Russia defeats the Ottomans, gains more territory, and helps Greece and Serbia gain independence.

  • The Straits Convention is ratified by most European powers, trapping the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.

  • Russian troops crush a Romanian rebellion.

  • Russia helps Austria stop a rebellion.

  • The Crimean War begins between Russia and the Ottomans.

  • Britain and France join the Crimean War, against Russia.

  • The Crimean War ends with the destruction of the Russian fleet. The Ottomans regain control of many territories.

  • Russia attacks Muslims in the Caucasus, destroying resistance and forcing thousands of Muslims to flee.

  • As Russia conquers more territory, they turn to further subjugating and crushing Poland, destroying Polish culture.

  • Russia conquers more territory within the Middle East.

  • Russia annexes Uzbekistan.

  • Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire to defend Bulgaria and Serbia.

  • Russia defeats the Ottomans, but is then countered by Britain.

  • Russia conquers Turkmenistan.

  • Russia and Britain again come into conflict over Central Asian territory, and the two become enemies.

  • France and Russia sign an alliance.

  • Politicians are assassinated by the Social Revolutionary Party.

  • Japan defeats the Russian fleet and takes over several of Russia's eastern territories.

  • Social Revolutionaries carry out terrorist attacks that kill 1,400 people.

  • 3,000 people are killed in more terrorist attacks by the Social Revolutionary Party.

  • World War I breaks out and Russia joins other countries against Germany, Austria, and Turkey.