Fayerabend 1

Paul Feyerabend (13 Jan 1924 - 11 Feb 1994)

By creger
  • Worst

    Paul Feyerabend has been called a “betrayer of truth” as well as science’s “worst enemy.” To those who tend to prefer order and discipline, his philosophy seemed outrageous and contrary to everything science was meant to represent. But to the genuine out-of-the-box thinkers, Feyerabend was progressive and on brink of a new age of philosophy of science.
  • Enemy

    So how did he get such a reputation? His first book Against Method (1975), set the scientific and philosophical worlds on fire. In it he argues that methodological science stifles the quest for knowledge. He suggested that many great philosophers were not as methodical in their pursuit of accepted scientific theories as they claimed. Instead he saw science as anarchy.
  • of

    Rather than stick to the scrupulous methods that held science to a higher standard, Feyerabend suggested that, in science, “anything goes.” You can imagine how shocking his view of science must have seemed to the scientists and philosophers who thought they were on the track to discovering absolute truths through the only verifiable methods. Against Method threw the rules right out the window.
  • Science

    Feyerabend also came to the defense of Creationism and Astrology in the argument of whether or not they are science. He certainly had a penchant for stirring up trouble and seemed to enjoy the “shock and awe” approach to philosophy. It is easy to understand why he garnered such a polarizing reputation. Personally, I think he was the original troll and just really enjoyed creating controversy. In many ways, I respect his lively approach to the world.
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    Feyerabend, Paul. Against Method. London: New Left Books, 1975.
  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
    Feyerabend, Paul. Science in a Free Society. London: New Left Books, 1978.
  • Farewell to Reason

    Farewell to Reason
    Feyerabend, Paul. Farewell to Reason. London: Verso Books, 1987.
  • A take on Feyerabend - Video

    A take on Feyerabend -  Video
    As you will see in the video, not everyone was a fan of Feyerabend's philosophy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xo0LHCoofQ