Period: 1567 to
Claudio, Monteverdi
Used dissonances in his music (madrigals) for text expression; transitional figure from the Renaissance to the Baroque; works included operas, 9 books of madrigals, masses, Magnificats, Vespersm and Motets -
Period: to
Caccini, Francesca
Daughter of Giulio Caccini; Soprano; First woman to compose operas; Composed balli, intermezzi, and sacred opera among other vocal works; only one extant opera: La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall'sola di Alcina but composed many others; involved with male music societies -
First opera composed by Giulio Caccini and Jacopo Peri -
First extant opera composed by Giulio Caccini anf Jacopo Peri -
Period: to
Strozzi, Barbara
Mother was a servant to Giluli Strozzi who eventually adopted Barbar; Studied under Francesco Cavalli at the Accademia dehli Unisoni which was founded by Giuli for Barbara; published 8 set of songs -
First public opera house -
Period: to
Louis the 14th of France
King of France; accomplished dancer and loved to show off his skill -
Period: to
Biber von Franz Ignaz Heinrich
Bohemian-Austrian composer and violinst that lived in Salzburg; was one of the most important composers for the violin; composed Catholic sacred music, volin sonatas and ensemble music -
Period: to
Corelli, Arcangelo
Italian composer; -
Period: to
Henry, Purcell
Singer, organist, composer of instrumental and vocal music; worked in the court of Charles II; wrote incidental music for plays -
Period: to
Scarlatti, Alessandro
Father of the composer Domenico Scarlatti; was a teacher in Naples in where many of his students helped create the new classical style -
Period: to
Guerre la de Jacquet Claude-Elisabeth
called "the wonder of our century."; -
Period: to
Vivaldi, Antonio
Music director at a girls orphanage called Pieta in Venice; composed operas, sacred music, and many instrumental work; very popular during the 1720s; wrote nearly 800 concertos; consider the greatest master of the Baroque concerto -
Period: to
Telemann, Philip Telemann
German composer; composed more than 1125 orchestral suites; helped establish the French-style orchestral suite in Germany; published a collection called "Tafelmusik" -
Period: to
Mouret, Joseph-Jean
Representative composer from the french court, served the son of King Louis XIV; composed operas, suites, and "grand divertissements"; some of his works are featured in commercials and other media -
Period: to
Bach, S. J.
Greatest master of the fugue; used every contrapuntal technique in extremely innovative ways; Most skilled musicians in the Baroque; wrote a ton of music in all genres; composed over 1000 works -
Period: to
Handel F. G.
A German composer who lived in England while writing Italian music; performed for a royal party on the Thames River in London on July 17, 1717; extraordinarily talented and intelligent; became a naturalized British subject in 1727; Virtuoso organist -
Period: to
Scarlatti, Domenico
Served Portuguese and Spanish royal families; known for their progressive style; wrote over 500 sonatas for harpsichord, operas, cantatas, and keyboard exercises -
Period: to
Couperin, Francois
French composer;